Well most of you know what the eye doc told me so this week I went to my PCP and told him about my meds making me sick, he of course gave me another new one to try, ugh. My insurance pays for it but my co-pay is $50, I don't think so. Then I told him about my day care kids leaving and he finally said after 4 years of this crap "call social security and start the paper work"; it is the first time he has even mentioned it. So Monday I am calling and finally going for it, I am of course scared to death of all the horror storys but i'll give it a shot.
The worst thing that happened though; my sheltie of over 13 yrs. passed away. She got sick and fell down the back steps, I took care of her for three days but then Tuesday she could not even pick up her head off the floor. I still hadn't got my check from the agency that pays my day care clients so no money for a vet shot to put her down for 100.00, my dh was on his way to take her to his fathers in the country to put her down and she passed in the car on the way up. I feel bad I did not hold her until she went but I had all day and think she would have just held on for me. It was in her eyes. I miss her so bad it isn't funny, I cannot even close my eyes and I see her looking at me and I cry. I know she is in a better place though one without pain; something we all wish for. I just pray she doesn't hate me for not being with her till the end.
I sure hope this weekend goes better, lol.
I hope you all have a good weekend too.