Hi All, Oh how the course has flown the penultimate week with just Tuesday to go I won’t miss getting up earlier than normal twice a week... OK this week we have been exercising and stretching in various ways trying to improve our core muscles I did have to sit out so of the last meeting the whole guided relaxation and visualising is no pint with no visual memory and I relax just the same by reading a good book... A bit more in debt about our drugs and the best way and combination of taking the drugs and joining all the program together with coping strategies for coping with bad days and how to shorten the days needed to recover from them. I will scan all the papers and post them when I get a few seconds free... This is almost all there were allot of free roaming discussions on how to cope with jobs or together things in your life and different ways and solutions we have found and I think we all had a few good and very bad ideas... Well have a good weekend folks off to batten down the hatches the pond is overflowing and it's hammering down and it's freezing oh joy.... _James