Hi everybody! I apologize that I haven't been around, I have been deathly sick with the flu then slipping into deep depression.
I fell several times last week
I hurt my right hip, bruised my right arm, and elbow. To top it all I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety. I just got back after seeing my psychiatrist I was hoping my psychiatrist would make adjustments with my medication we talked about my Lamitcal I am currently taking 400 mg, I thought I had room to increase the meds a couple times, but I don't I am at the maxium dose, I'm ok with that.
I was a bit disappointed my doctor didn't take time to listen with the concerns I had, all she did was write scripts I needed to get filled. Don't get me wrong she does listen to my concerns, however this time she didn't. Oh well I'm over it.
Anyway, that is all for now.