Hi, Brian. I'm Dan, one of the managers here. Welcome to the family.
Of course, the problem with Degenterative Disk Disease is that it's chronic. It just keeps on degenerating disks. So even though maybe this surgery has helped you, you're going to have to understand that you've got a real problem. And there's only a couple things you can do about it.
First is to see a physical therapists and see if they can recommend weight training that would strengthen your backbone,
The second thing is to be sure that your activities don't injure your backbone any more. You want to strengthen, not injure it. And, depending on how much damage is already done, it may not be possible to strengthen any more. You just have to check and see.
Over on the left is a lot of information on dealing with chronic pain. Let us know if you have any questions. OK?
Welcome again.
PS. Could you please use a little larger font? Some of us have bad eyes. Thanks.