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Dealing with Chronic PainContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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From: Lee  (Original Message)Sent: 5/13/2006 5:25 PM

My name is Lisa/ I live in NY, Three years ago I came down with bronchitis’s and from there my life has change drastically �?It was just really strange but I started to feel my bones all of them then the pain started to get very pain full I went to my neurologist from the minute I walk in the door he said I have a Pseudotumor Cerebri or called (Intracranial Hypertension) at that point I had no clue I was never sick a day in my life actually my last blood test before this was about 15 years ago �?and now I am on this fast track with MRI’s, CAT Scans, Spinal tap, and many different types of specialist �?with in three months my condition was unbearable �?<o:p></o:p>


I must say I consider myself fortunate to some degree I been bless with a great compassionate neurologist who now is my primary care doctor �?I have develop more then just the Pseudotumor, MUGS, Fibromyalgia and Peripheral neuropathy.  And now I was just told the MUGS is a form of Myeloma but cannot be 100% at this time. Because of the pseudotumor I already had over a year of Rituxan, and been on so many different forms of medications and still not sure. (go figure) <o:p></o:p>


This January I decided to go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota �?wow what a place - And they confirm my medical conditions added fibromyalgia and realizes my body was not retaining any vitamin D or folic acids �?they also realizes some of my medications were causing me harm so I came home and I came off my Avinza, Elavil and Relafen. I was told by them Elavil was adding weight, and Relafen was causing liver problems which I am still dealing with �?I lost almost 30 pounds but is it all in the mind, I was convinced I could or would never live without Elvail - I was shocked that I was able to come off these drug without having to deal with a big withdrawal problem. I was on some serious dosages of Avizna for almost three years plus many other narcotics �?the strange part is my neurologist never like the amount of my medication but he was working with a specialist @ Columbia in NY, and they insisted and so did I �?lt;o:p></o:p>


The only reason I even mention about coming off the drugs I have read so many stories of people fearing the amount of drugs they are on and I myself was and is concern but after coming off �?I am so much more comfortable in knowing now I need to go back on what ever will bring me some form of comfort - <o:p></o:p>


Needless to say it’s now 5 months home I had about 6 weeks of feeling okay and now I am back on the pain wagon and it’s getting worst daily �?I am trying a few different medication now I am going to look on the site for some suggestions - <o:p></o:p>


I am having another Spinal tap this week to check my Intracranial pressure, I already completed so many test this week I save the best for last (ha) �?Then I am schedule to try a knew procedure called Plasmapheresis or IVIG depending on the opening and closing reading of the Spinal tap.   


 Well I am sorry I went on but I did not know how to sum this all up �?I do know dealing with pain and illness is no picnic, and the changes my life has taken is simply unbelievable I always live life to the fullest �?I had just open 2 business before becoming sick and now I am on disability my life has change �?lt;o:p></o:p>


I even now realizes now I will not go back to the business world before becoming ill I knew nothing about pain or medication and now I want to find away to help people who are dealing with chronic pain daily and have problems doctors people in there lives who find it difficult to believe how pain level really effect your life �?lt;o:p></o:p>

I think it’s because even though my three years have been so very pain and difficult. I been so bless with great doctors and I do so now know how very important that is when you just do not feel good to talk to people who been there really helps- <o:p></o:p>

Well I look to learn more from the boards and I thank you for the use of this site �?lt;o:p></o:p>

I do hope everyone is having a pain free weekend –Take care Lee



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