Hi Dan. Thank you for the welcome and responding. I am actually going back to the Reumatologist this week.
I have a slight fear of trying new meds. Not sure why though.
I spent so long feeling like I was crazy and not believed by doctors that I hate looking for a new one. I do like my current general practitioner. She has referred me to many specialists and it seems she believes me and listens to me.
I'm sure you know how frustrating it is to have pain for so long with no relief. I have come to just expect it and just "deal" with it most of the time. I even feel like I am luckier than many other people which makes me feel bad that I even complain. Does that make sense? I pace myself and know my limits most of the time. My husband is pretty supportive now. He understands more than he used to.
Anyway, thanks again for the welcome and I will continue to look around at all the information in here.