Hello, I am glad to have found this place. I have had chronic pain for over a year now, and I am trying to figure out how to deal with it.
I was in an accident about 3 years ago, and then recently diagnosed with suboccipital neuragia, from which I have pretty much a constant searing headache.
I am in PT again, and seeing an accupuncturist, which seems to be helping. My pain got much worse this summer, and now that I am teaching again, it is very hard for me to deal with working full time, and being in pain just about full time.
I take several meds, but they go in and out of working. I am in a week where they seem not to be working again, which is very difficult for work especially. I love the kids I teach, but the state of my nerves causes me to be very sensitive to light and noise among other things.
I just want this not to effect my life and relationships as much as I feel like it is, and I am hoping some of you might have some advice.
Thanks! |