It's so easy to let bitterness creep into our lives. Once there, bitterness can steal our smile, and eventually our hope for a better tomorrow. In 1974 after the drunk driver hit me head on going 80, leaving me unable to walk in the hospital, in a wheel chair, I indeed was bitter. I was only 20. But in time I learned how to walk, because the dr. "Took" mywheel chair, lol and forced me to walk. I am much better off for all everyone did for me back in my darkest of days.
Now I just do my best. If I fail at something, I cannot feel bad because I know I still did my best.
I almost forgot.
I have both hearing loss and tennitus, the loud high pitched ringing in my ears, but I use a box fan at night to mask the noise so I can sleep. I have learned all these years to adapt as best I can. I hope you will have a low pain day.