Actually, this ISN'T the place; the General tab is the place. : ) Most people will read your bio once, then check back later to refresh their memory on details, but rarely check here for posts, so you're better off putting those under the General heading. I do sympathize with you being in the medical profession and having chronic pain; you most likely will get the old fishy eyeball from a lot of doctors who think you are drug seeking or even treating yourself under the table, as it were. I suspect there are more doctors doing that than nurses, given the safeguards on narcotic meds in hospitals, though. I sincerely hope you DON'T have RSD, Cricket; that'd be the pits. And I do know from personal experience how long it takes for nerves to heal after surgery, so try gentle massage of the area to diffuse the jangling nerve effect, if you can stand it; I found that helped me after surgical procedures. Cyndy |