Hi Gee:
I figured I would come in here to read your first post...and, boy, you have had your share. I know it's frustrating....my mom had osteomyletis...and was in the hospital for 3 months, too. It really marked the 'beginning of the end' for her. She pretty much gave up living....and, she got liver/colon cancer shortly after that, and never had the will to go on; although she did go through chemo. Doctors told her she was doing 'better' but she would never believe it; she was always a 'pessimist' in life though...I am totally the opposite...lol.
Anyway, I know it's tough being 'labeled' with a diagnosis, even though you feel in your heart (and mind) that it's 'something else'; but try to convince doctors of that...lol. And, yep, know what it's like having to suffer pain each and every day....I've pretty much had pain in my life for over 45 years. I had my first 3 spinal surgeries before I was 21...but my wonderful hubby married me, in spite of it...lol...and we had 2 lovely daughters, too. He's been there with me through all the surgeries, too....God bless his pea pickin' heart...lol.
You can read about me in "meet the managers", under "Dee"...I go by either name.
Anyway, welcome to our site...and, don't believe Dan....actually I think the odds are more than 3 women to every male here...but guess among the 'active' ones, he may be correct. But I don't like to tell him he's "correct" too often...lol.
Glad you're here....and hope to get to know you better as the days go by...and we learn more about one another. It's amazing that on this site, we probably have told the members here more about ourselves than our spouses...lol. Only people who suffer with chronic pain can truly understand what it's like 24/7...even though Ed is great with his support. I'm on heavy doses of Oxycontin, with Actiq for breakthrough...take Zanaflex for muscle spasms....Ambien for sleep (which barely gives me 1-2 hrs. at a clip of sleep). Thank God for my pain management doctor...he's been awesome with helping me get my pain levels under control!