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Dealing with Chronic PainContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Medications : weight gain on meds
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamelennon1888  (Original Message)Sent: 4/16/2005 2:08 PM
I am very impressed with lyrica (Pregabalin) for neuropathic pain, but have put on 14 pounds in the last 2 weeks - 10 stone 2 to 11 stone 6. I am ony 5 feet 2! I know the pain relief is the priority, but I can't tell you how depressed I am by this weight gain. None of my clothes fit me, and because I am on benefits, I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe!!!
Does the weight gain level out at some point, or will I end up obese? This is really affecting my self esteem - please will anyone with the same experience get back to me? I woulf be very grateful indeed......
Sad Mazza

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSharona-Sent: 11/15/2005 10:53 PM
I know how ya feel although I don't know anything about that drug.  They put me on Predison for 5 days and I'm having a fit.
Hugs, Sharona

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: murfistoSent: 11/26/2005 8:51 PM
My own experience does validate your "fear". I was put on gabapentin (neurontin) which i believe is related to pregabalin (if not the same by another name). Over the first month, I watched as my ankles swelled and the scale went up and up. After almost 20 lbs, i took myself off the drug and 3 months later, the weight gradually came off. fortunately, the nerves that had been irritated enough to cause the neuropathic pains, calmed down and the pains did not return until last week, almost 9 months later. i'll be speaking with my pain doctor later this week and will maybe have to go back on the drug. at least this time i know what to expect and also know that neuropathic pains can arise sporadically; not necessarily continuously. i wish you the least  pain possible. murfisto

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNoora_Ela1Sent: 4/22/2006 10:00 PM

I know how it feels to gain so much weight. I have gained about 25 pounds and I don't like myself at all. My husband is fine with my weight, but I hate it. I feel bad about myself also. I have hypo thyroid and I am taking hormones pills. It seems everything I am taking causes weight gain.


 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 4/23/2006 12:15 AM
First of all, let me say welcome, Mazza.  Now, if I've welcomed you already, you'll have to forgive me.  I just don't remember doing it.  But if this is indeed the
first post, then welcome. 
I'm Dan one of the managers here.  I would guess the others will be by shortly.  And I see a few of the family members have already said hello.'
There is another drug in the same "family" that's good for neuropathic pain.  it's called Topamax.  You don't get near the side effects that you get from Neurontin.  (Or "Neuroteeth as I used to call it due to it's unfortunate side effect of causing teeth to become brittle)
Also, the antidepressant Cymbalta is recognized for it's ability to help with neuropathy.  So some people use, including me.  I also use the Topamax and love it. 
Lots of love and healing hugs,

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameManagerRissSent: 4/12/2008 5:46 PM
I hate the weight gain on meds.
As if we don't have enough reasons to be low!
In the last year I have put on 4 stone
I have a wardrobe full of gorgeous clothes
which I can't even get into let alone do up.
I'm fed up with people commenting
'You've put on a bit of weight lately,
why don't you do something about it,
you looked fantastic last year'.

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamerose57�?/nobr>Sent: 4/19/2008 5:07 PM
Hi Mazza!
    I gained about the same weight as Murfisto while taking Lyrica. I cut the dosage down quite a bit to try to control the swelling.
Lyrica workked so well on my neuropathic pain as well as the fibro pain that it was worth it for awhile. After most of my neuropathy left I stopped the Lyrica completely. I don't feel it's safe. At least for me.
God bless you.
Love, Dian

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