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Dealing with Chronic PainContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Medications : question concerning medication refills
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From: MSN NicknameMemnochD  (Original Message)Sent: 10/18/2005 4:29 PM
Hi everyone!
I used to be a member here awhile back but life got busy and I had to end my membership. Anyways I have a question...My family physician currently has me on hydrocodone 7.5mg twice a day. So there is the information of what Im on. So far he has had me on this medication for roughly 4months. He believes there is something wrong with my lumbar and that I have other problems with my back as well. He referred me to a pain specialist and physical therapy. That was 3months ago and I still have not went. Here is the hard part with that. I am bi-polar,ADHD,OCD..You name it and it's in there somewhere. I am DEATHLY scared of my back being messed with. I cannot handle the thought of a needle coming anywhere near my back and I cannot handle the thought of someone popping my back.I know to some this may sound stupid. But having the disorder I have...These fears are VERY real to me. Now I told him awhile back that I had these fears and he said there was nothing to worry about. I've tried 3 different times to go to my pain specialist appt and had a panic attack each time and came back home. He is still prescribing me the hydrocodone 7.5mg each month. I have to call in for my refill each time. Here is my question.Taking 2 lortabs a day really doesn't do too much for my pain,however since I have yet went to the pain specialist like I was supposed too, I don't complain. Also my prescription is due to be refilled the 20th of every month. I always wait atleast 5 days after the 20th to call my prescription in because I am scared of being labeled a drug addict. I have a family member that is a drug addict and I know she doctor shopped and I know how doctors feel about it. Today is the 18th and I have only 2 pills left. Would calling the pharmacy today to refill rather than the 20th or later be a bad idea? I read somewhere that you can call a prescription in when 75% of your medicine is gone. I only have today and 2morrow and then it will be the 20th.I am just curious if I am indeed allowed to call my prescription in 2 days early?? Thanks for any replies!

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 10/19/2005 12:01 AM
Welcome back, hon.  It's good to see you.  Though I'Absolutely it's OK to do that.  It might take them a day or so to get in touch with the doctor to get the refill OKed and so it's better to go ahead and call it in early. 
Listen, if you're worried about the pain doctor using a needle on your back, or manipulating (popping) your back, then you're worrying about the wrong things. They seldom do either one of those things. 
Pain doctors usually are just doctors who study how best to control pain.  He would probably just review your medcations and then prescribe you some better meds.  That's all. 
And, you absolutely have veto power over any procedures.  If he does want to do injections or something, just say no.  Explain that it scares you.  You won't have it.  Period.  They cannot force you to have any treatment modality.  OK? 
So go see your pain doctor.  I think you will be pleasently surprised.  And if you're not.  Find a different one that you do like.  There are a lot of pain docs. 
Healing hugs and lots of love,