Thanks for the kind words everyone. It is good to hear there are many here who have a little (actually a lot) compassion.
It seems like there are these roadblocks to happiness all over the place. From the doctor, to the employer, to the spouse to the...
One thing my very good (and wise) friend suggested when I feel angry and depressed is to make a gratitude list. I write down all the things I am grateful for. It is hard to actually put pen to paper but once I do, I get a bunch of perspective.
Thank you everyone for the outpouring of support. I live in Vancouver Canada and am a very resourceful and crafty individual. If anyone needs some assistance, let me know...maybe I can help. Maybe not. Can always try. If I don't know the answer....I bet I can find it. Look what happened here trying to find an answer for me. You guys ROCK! |