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Dealing with Chronic PainContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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 Message 7 of 13 in Discussion 
From: Dan  in response to Message 1Sent: 9/15/2007 1:41 AM
Hey, Barefoot.  Welcome to the family.  I'm Dan, one of the managers here.  I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner .  I have been struggling with some pain issues myself, and...  Well, I didn't even want to think about what you're going through.  And that's the truth.  I know, that was selfish.  But I'm a man too.  So I kinda have a "feel" for what you must be enduring.  Sheesh.  <Dan crosses his legs and looks around for an athletic cup.> 
I don't mean to make light of it, believe me.  I'm just trying to cope with thinking about it.  Now that I've got my virtual cup on, maybe I can deal with it.  I should have thought of that a couple days ago. 
Ya know.  That's really not fair.  That's getting a man where he lives.  Or, anyway, one of the places.  After all, I keep telling these girls.  "We're men.  We're not complicated.  Food and sex.  Or, sex and food.  We really don't care too much about the order, we just want plenty of both.  Well, those and beer.  But beer is really one of the major food groups, so I'm back to sex and food, food and sex.  We're simple beings, we are. 
We really don't know for "relationships".  Keep us well stocked in the necessities of life and we'll hunt down the mastadons and protect from the sabre-toothed tigers.  It's really that simple.  You confuse us with this "relationship" thing.  
Well, they, of course, don't want to hear this.  I'll take a pounding for bringing it up again, but hey, I've got reinforcements.  YOU!!! 
Seriously, those girls do rock, don't they?  They do all the work around here.  I just stir up trouble and mess around.  But believe me when I tell you, I do sympathize, and I will keep you in my prayers. 
And the "gratitude list" is a great thing to do to counter depression.  I call it "counting blessings". 
Take care, and welcome againg.  Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. 
So this pain in the testicle, must really be... well, I don't even want to think about it.  That's how bad it must be.  And any guy who had taken a low blow knows where I am coming from.  Distracting you called it?  Sheesh, you're a brave man. 
Lots of love and healing hugs,