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Dealing with Chronic PainContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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 Message 12 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSvenska18  in response to Message 1Sent: 11/28/2007 7:24 AM
Hello Fellow Chronic Pain Patients, It's been my experience since I was 12 (when I had my teeth pulled for braces) I got an infection in my jaw and no one could figure out what had happened.  It took 15 years to learn I have Chronic Diffused Scerlosing Osteomyilites of the mandible and skull, by that time.  It's bascially CROMs disease.  I had years of surgery, spent days on end in the Hyper Barick Oxygen Chamber at major learning hospitals in the US.  Long Island Jewish, Mount Sanai, NYC, University of Miami, Florida Hospital Orlando...
I was lucky to have great insurance along the way, however pain management was a real test.  My surgeon helped me get addicted to Demerol for the eight years he treated me.  All of a sudden he dropped me because it wasn't helping anymore.  They get you addicted then drop you.  I detoxed, with no relief.  I went to a Psychiatrist to help maintain my pain.  He treated me for four years and then prescribed Methedone for my pain.  Methedone was created by Hitler for his mistress, Hilda Braun.  She had chronic back pain.  Anyway, my shrink decided to send me to a Methedone Clinic which I did not belong.  I did this for a few years.  Then when I moved to Savannah, GA my primary care doctor sent me to a Pain Mangament Dr.  He was great.  He listened, gave me my methedone and percocet for bleed thru pain.  Unfortunately he left the area.  I was then put in the hands of another Pain Management Dr., he was great for awhile, then when he checked labs to the tune of $1,500.00 to me, he found a low level of marijuana in my system.  He dismissed me from his practice.  So, please don't handle your pain on your own.  It's unacceptable.  Next,
I was going to a Detox/Pain Managemet Dr.  This guy was very hard to deal with.  He lowered my methedone level, (my hands were tied)
and took all break thru pain meds away right off the bat.  I kept with this guy until I had surgery on my Achilles Tendon on my right leg.  My pain Dr. said he wanted total control of my meds for pain.  When it came time ( 2 days before surgery) I called his office requesting a prescription for meds because my surgery was on a friday and I was being kept overnight due to the pain of the surgery.  He yelled at me over the telephone and hung up on me.  I was baffled.  I was trying to follow his instruction.  Anyway, my husband went to pick up the prescription.  After surgery, and bear in mind I cannot walk at all, and my home has 17 stairs to come down to go out, this pain Dr. demanded that I come see him.  He treated me ok for this visit.  Mean while I had in the back of my mind, (how dare you yell at me and hang up on me when I was just following your ridiculous rules)  A month after my surgery (keeping in mind my surgeon agrees that pain meds are still needed) my pain Dr. says he cannot handle my case any longer.  I did everything this guy asked of me and that's the way I got treated.  I knew he would do this the day he hung up on me.  He was just covering his rear end.  These are bad experiences that I have had.
Just remember that your pain is real and don't stop searching because there are Doctors out there that can help. 
It helps to have a primary care Dr. to help find Pain Management Dr's for you.  I've always been dead honest.  When you have chronic pain there is no doubt that you become addicted.  Having a Psychiatrist at first then follow with a Psychologist really helps.  Learning breathing exercises is a great help.  Everyone with Chronic Pain holds their breathe for longer than you think.  You hold your shoulders tight.  Your eyebrows are in the serious position.  These are all signs of chronic pain that we all share. 
I have lost my entire career over my pain.  I try so hard to pick my head up everyday.  Yes, there are days I cannot get out of bed, because I have no fight in me.  Taking medication is only part of Pain Management.  When you discuss with a Dr., ask for other methods of help beyond the meds.  This is what will help, and what they want to see.  I'm 49 now and I've been fighting this for 37 years.
I hope some of you get something out of this, if you have any questions, please ask.  Unfortunately, it's become my life ... I offer my friendship and love to all.  Thank you for reading.