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All Message Boards : This much snow is scary!! And it's silly cold too...
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: hissyspit01  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2008 10:14 AM
  I won't  say I loose track of days but I have been sitting here trying to figure out why there isn't any news on TV and why it's all infomercials and here it is Saturday! No news on Saturday here girl! Geeze get a life I tell myself! But I need to hit the door and get out on the road in a half an hour and I wanted to know what's going on besides what I see outside the door!
    They said last night that all this was over and then when I wake, I find another 4 to 5 inches of snow on top of what we already had! There was a report that a guy measured 11 inches accumalation just less than 10 miles from here. I knew it was going to be cold, they said 18 for the big city hahahaha, but it's so cold that the dog ran the whole time she peed so I know it was stinging her toes! Oh and I have to go up that hill to feed my horses before I leave, I am going to wear two pairs of socks and wear my rubber boots! Then I am going to switch boots to go to work this morning.
    There are 30 horses waiting for breakfast this morning! Oh make that 36 because we feed a few others for someone else in the mornings too. I do hope someone put feed in that old wheel barrow too. I doubt I can push it thru this much snow to fill it up in the feed room! Yesterday I got lucky and caught two of the boys before they left with three horses for the race track! There isn't a soul racing today either! Odds are there won't be anyone there until late either. Seems I will be on my own again. Unless the trainer decides to come in early, and I pray he does.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegramanan3Sent: 11/22/2008 1:00 PM
Hi Hissy, I love reading your posts they are always so interesting and bring back some good memories of life on the farm when I was small. You have a talent for putting your thoughts down with the ability to keep people interested. have you ever thought of doing some writing? I think you would do well in it as you have the talent to reach people in a good way with your words. Take care and give those horses a big hug for me! I do so miss the days when I had my quarter horse, Cricket. We covered many a mile together when I was in my teens. She knew all my deep secrets and loved me anyway. Hope this finds you having a great day.  lots of love gramanan