<sigh> You continually take one person's behavior and translate that to an entire group of people. I'm sorry that there was a judge you perceived as liberal who ruled against you. That doesn't make every liberal a bad person. Frankly I doubt that lowlife who left my friend had any political affiliation, but since it's Texas, my guess is he was a Republican. LOL Everyone else is. NAFTA is a series of agreements between the US, Canada and Mexico, so it's really not "administrated" except by the appropriate administration officials of the party in power, Republicans right now, last time I looked. Sorry, but not too many US jobs going to Canada or Mexico. NAFTA isn't the problem. The problem is the current tax sturcture which allowed corporations to write off the costs of moving plants overseas. So companies have been closing down plants here, and writing off the capital losses on their taxes, and building in Bangladesh, India, Ceylon, and every other third world country where they can hire for a dollar an hour and no bennefits and they write off the cost to build the new factories too. Now they got a brand new, state of the art factory, in a third world country and it's being run by people working for substandard wages with no benefits and no Worker's Compensation protection, and no age limit either, so they can hire as young as they want. Whole families are going to work under sometimes hazardous conditions in repetative jobs. Great for capatalism, huh? That's where the jobs are going the past three years, Roze. NAFTA has nothing to do with it, and W and the Republican congress have everything to do with it. We've lost more than 3 million jobs in this country in the 3 years since Bush took over, Roze. That's 3,000,000 plus jobs lost. During the Clinton years net jobs were being created every year. The Clinton Presidency was the longest peacetime economic expansion in the century. That's a fact, Roze. NAFTA didn't impact jobs. George W. Bush and the Republican congress did. You can't dispute that. It's a cold, hard fact. You say you like facts, well, here's one for you. In the combined years of the Bush presidencies, both Bush presidents that is... In all those years, not ONE new net job was created. Cow manure on anyone who claims otherwise. Rats, running out of time. Gotta go. Oh, Doofers, corporations don't pay taxes. That's a function of our campaign finance system, not anything Clinton did. How many corporations paid their taxes last year, or the year before? Hmmmm, they didn't tell you that, huh? Believe me, it's not because the numbers aren't available. It's because they would loose the impact of talking about the "Clinton years". Tell me how many have paid under Bush, for a comparrison, then I'll see if it's significant or not. OK? Hugs, Dan |