Have any of you gotten any propaganda in your e-mail? I haven't gotten anything from the liberals, but I've gotten some real doozys from the conservatives smearing... or trying to smear Kerry.
My Goddaughter sent me one of those conservative spams recently about Kerry. You all have probably seen it. In it, this guy, Donnelly, who was an Army Reserve Captain (and so this makes him an expert on combat) smears Kerry's war record.
He tells some of the lies the conservatives are putting out about Kerry, and his medals, like he wasn't really hurt THAT bad when he got his THREE purple hearts. This guy says his daddy got wounded and went back to duty, but Kerry, that bad boy, used his three purple hearts to get out of Viet Nam early. Can you believe that?
Of course, all this time, I'm sorta wondering where this guy was during the Viet Nam war. I mean, I was in the Army, and Kerry was in the Navy. My father was in WW II and his father was in WWII, and my nephews were in the Gulf war and Iraq and his sons were in both those wars, so where was THIS hero during Viet Nam???... He doesn't say. Some tough duty in the states, I'm sure.
Kerry was there.
Turns out the guy was a Captain in the Army Reserve. I guess that's where he got this wealth of experience. Very, very few reservists went to Viet Nam. In fact, that was a great thing to do to get out of going. It's what Bush did. He joined the AF reserve to make sure he wouldn't have to go over to Viet Nam.
I dare say, no one who has never been in combat should disparage the record of a man who has been in combat. You don't know what you'll do when the bullets are flying around you. So no one should put down anyone who has been in combat, unless he was in combat and has seen what happens and experiienced the same things. Then he can talk about the other person's actions, courage, or lack of courage. Unless he has that experience, he should just shut up.
Anyway, he goes on in this vein and my God daughter sends this to me, so I sent back a rebuttal. I mean, the poor girl is getting this propaganda, and she's not learning to ask the right questions and research the answers for herself. So she sent back a thanks, and tells me that's what Godfathers are for. I'm supposed to help her with stuff like this.
She also said that she probably won't vote this fall, even though she's eligible for her first presidential election. She just doesn't feel she's informed enough. Well, I wrote back and tried to sumarize what I saw as the issues for her.
I won't list them here. That's not what the post is about. It's about spam that's untruthful, and written by people I don't know, who claim to be vets but don't seem to know the first thing about combat, and who disparage a fellow soldier's record. I've seen two or three of these now, and they're just sad. I can't imagine anyone putting crap like this out, especially since it's based on distortions of the truth, and bits and pieces of things sais that are obviously taken out of context.
Has anyone else gotten anything like this?