Heh, heh. Don't get me started.
Too late. Step step step. You know what that sound is.
If you can't afford medication in this country and you can't get on one of the phamecutical company programs, guess what? You go without. The new governement drug benefit is a joke. It pays a very small percentage of drug costs. If, for example, you have about $25,000 in drug costs in a year, it pays something like $12,000 of those costs. You're still stuck with coughing up $13,000. I'm not sure of those figures but they're close.
Now granted, $12,000 isn't chicken feed. But does anyone here really thing that's going to make all the difference to someone who is struggling to put food on the table when you've got to do a deductable first and then the rest is in co-pay. So you've got to cough up more than half of the cost of every prescription every time you get one? No, I don't think so.
And as for health care... Well, President Clinton tried. It was shot down. John Kerry had it as a main plank and even had how he was going to pay for it, but the voters apparently believed that it wouldn't work. So the people who were withouit health care and the children who were without health care are still without health care.
And no, it wasn't a matter of the government being in your health care, before someone starts. It was a volutary program. If you didn't want to participate you didn't have to. You could keep your current health care plan. Sheesh, I 'm so tired of hearing that old cliche'.
So here we are, the richest country in the world, and not a bit of health care for millions of citizens, including children. It's a disgrace. A national disgrace.
Step, step, step. OK down from the soap box.
Sorry about that.
Hugs and lots of love,