and the commander in cheif just flys that airforce one like its a pickup truck. not to mentoin his dam motor cade. its just silly!! why cant he take a helo as its not all that much of a gas hog. FEMA have any body seen what they, as the federal goverment has spent for three cruis ships.. heck we could build alot of appartments out of that. but no way!! we didnt do that?? then another republican has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar.. first rowland in conn. now a sentor in texas which is the same darn state as bush. i bet fefore its over the texans will get a highly inflated check?? for what opening their doors. as we the tax payer cant do a thing but pay at the gas pumps and in the heating oil this winter. i say we need that president to be inpeached, or step down. and then the new head justice. must we go their??? i say we need a black man or woman to serve that position.. or a hurricane victum. so bush wont get his way. i also think we need our boys and fathers and dads to come home along with the gals or daughters or moms and so on were streched so thin now all we need is the people in china to start a war over nucler wepons instead of a power sourse.boy old boy what is next as we have to many people sneaking across the boarders in texas as well hell i see a terris attach at calf at any time as a fire sourse or a earth quake dont call FEMA call your dog it might get their first. metro 3550