has bought house trailers and campers? to make little camp grounds. but is this not a good sultion to there problems? i say? these people in the south eastern part of the untied states. but have they no sense?? that we watch the news? and still the people suffer. due to FEMA!!! as what are we to do!! as american people who vote these people into office.i see alot of waste and that isnt good. as we the tax payer still have to pay the bill that these people waste? i say the gruise ships are a waste as well. as these tempary house trailers as these people want their homes back. or a fresh start!! were they may get a decent job. to provide the income that they need to live as we do. the people still sitt and wait with the up most respect for the help that our own goverment cant give them. as of yet!! i say why??Watch theUS GOVERMENT wast our money. its a shame that this happening to our own people. but we need to stand up to these people that waste GOVERMENT funding?? to these folks.. and punish those thats its so obious that they have wasted the money need to help these folks. all a waste to us that think that we could do better. as of now we all do agree that these people need homes. but why not buy the plywood and sheet rock needed to fix these homes. that these people would need to fix the damage affected by the flooding. as well as the buinesses.i do think this would help out as well as shoring up those homes as need. to move back in to their homes as soon as possiable. as a concerin taxpayer i see that we need to police the goverment? as well as the gas stations, and these people that make the winter fueal to heat our homes. as i am expected to pay more for natural gas . heating bills ofup to 78% more this year than i did last year. as a low income person. i do worrie that we the people are being used? and the proof is so highly seen. so what are we to do? as the income we do have now isnt enought. to live on now? so i ask is the income level to live going to be raised. as the cost of living isnt enought to live off from now. we need to live or survive. i think not while bush is in office. as war isnt doing him the justice to find work for those who needit to support their familys. will we see that change?i think not.then you hear them to cut spending? i wish i could belive that as you should too. metro 3550