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MORTISHA' S PATH OF SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT!Contains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Candle colors and their uses  

     Knowing what a color can do on a conscious, as well as a subconscious level, is what Candle Magik is all about. The following will introduce you to thirteen different colors.


A pastel combination of all colors, White reflects light with little to no absorption. Whenever in doubt in a magikal act, use White, which is the most highly balanced form of spirituality possible. White contains virtues in their highest form, and is therefore very protective. It is beyond the word or term God/dess. It is the Creative Source itself, the light from which all life springs, the female aspect of God, the Craft of the Wise, the full of the Moon, the symbol of the life giving mother, and all female mysteries.


Planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Female

Color: Silvers/Pearls/Creams/Grays/Iridescent Whites

        (Pale Pinks, Violets, Blue hues, etc.)

Key Phrases:

     To seem unreachable, untouchable, incorruptible; to repel destructive energies; to raise vibrations; to heal emotions, births,  children, and pets; to build purity, balance the aura, confuse enemies, create illusions, and contact spirit helpers.



     An intense concentration of all colors, it absorbs light. Unlike other colors, Black reflects very little, if any, light back to the viewer. This can give the false impression that Black is the absence of color. It is actually the absence of color reflection. Think of this color as a black hole in space. It absorbs all light with little or no reflection back, thus it becomes a  transporter for all that you do not need or want.

     Properly used, Black can be one of the most useful and powerful colors available. However, misused, it can cause disaster.


Planet: Saturn

Day: Saturday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Female

Color: Dark Blues, Black, Dark Browns, and most dark colors

Key Phrases:

     To absorb or remove anything; to end something, to remove or encase undesirable energies; to break up blocked or stagnant situation. The great mystery solver. The conscious.



     Earth energy. It is feminine in its nature and related to its sisters the Moon and Saturn. Being a relatively balanced combination of Red, Yellow, and Blue, depending on the intensity level, it can be used successfully on Monday, Friday, or Saturday. Brown is one of the more complex colors, with varied associations.


Planet: Moon, (Tan/Browns/ Venus, (all)/Saturn

Day: Monday/Friday/Saturday

Hour: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Female

Color: Browns, earth tones

Key Phrases:

     To acquire basic material needs for survival; to learn to ground and center your consciousness with the earth; to obtain money  by working with your hands, i.e. laborer, farmer, gardener, etc.; to attune with trees and communicate with their intelligence.



     This color is unique, due to its aspect of neutrality. Gray can be used to neutralize anything from a Magikal act that no longer serves your best interest, to the neutralization of destructive energies in a passive, non-karmic fashion. It is a perfect balance of Black and White, and therefore absorbs and repels. With this quality, Gray draws in the undesirable energies and then sends them out to the universe for dispersal as neither destructive nor constructive properties.


Planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Female and Male

Color: Gray

Key Phrases:

     To erase, cancel, neutralize, and return tot he universe without repercussion; to erase or jumble destructive forces; to attract neither destructive nor constructive energies to your life (this include people and situations).



     Blue transforms violence, anger, and hate. It soothes and cools. It gives peace, calm, harmony, satisfaction, bliss, oneness, and understanding of the spiritual realms. It is predominantly feminine energy, and is ruled by either the Moon, Venus or Saturn, depending on the hue. However, many consider Royal Blues as belonging to the expansive male energies of Jupiter. Therefore, it is left up for the practitioner, to experiment and decide for him - or herself which works best.


Planet: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter

Day: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Female (sometimes Male when used with Jupiter/Thursday)

Colors: Blue Whites/Moon, Blues/Venus, Dark Blues/Saturn, Royal Blue/Jupiter

Key Phrases:

     Religious beliefs in a pure and healthy state, inner calm, peace from within, first contact with Higher Self, spiritual well being, wisdom, truth and light, dedication, and loyalty.