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Candles Color and Their Uses Cont'd


     Yellow is a color on mental clarity, swiftness, and accuracy. A sunny, positive disposition with spiritual attuning to the healing forces of male energy (refer to Gold).


Planet: Mercury

Day: Wednesday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Male

Colors: Yellow

Key Phrases:

     To obtain knowledge; to learn swiftly; to gain insight into problems. Yellow represents all institutions of learning.Alters dark mental mood swings. Enhances the knowledge of healing, the ability to concentrate, and the retention of memory. Yellow attracts people, as it has a warm compelling energy, and can also be used to compel another to do your bidding.



     The male half of the Cosmic or Universal Life Force - sun energy. Intelligent action or action motivated by deliberation and knowledge, usually with healing, money, or wealth in mind. Gold is related to Orange and Yellow, in that it is a higher vibration of these two colors, and any on of the three can actually be used on Sunday (sun) with success. The choice here is for the practitioner to experiment, and then to decide which color suits his or her needs. Generally speaking, Orange vibrates to physical and mental action, while Yellow vibrates to mental action only (better attributed to Wednesday/Mercury). Lastly, Gold would be indicative of intelligent, quick action, with a monetary emphasis.


Planet: Sun

Day: Sunday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Male (Amazon/Female)

Colors: Gold

Key Phrases:

     To attract money and power (you constantly will have to work to keep it however); to heal and rejuvenate your being; to attract happy, active people into your life. Gold imparts the energy and intelligence to take proper action in a monetary situation.  The appearance of wealth and grandeur. Epitomizes the risk taker; chasing a pot of gold at the end of an elusive rainbow. It expedites money you know is coming but has not yet arrived due to red tape, lawsuits, etc.



     Red is a fiery color that attracts and magnetizes, but must be used with discernment to avoid disastrous results. The shade of Red used or considered in your magikal act will be of extreme importance here. Stay with the lighter, brighter shades of Red and leave the darker shades for the more experienced practitioners for now. The darker are for wars, battles, blood, hate, and danger.


Planet: Mars

Day: Tuesday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Male (Amazon Female)

Colors: Red

Key Phrases:

     Lust, physical desire, anger, base energy, war, blood, pain, attracts and magnetizes, courage, enemies, danger. Red stimulates and energizes. Cherry-Reds are for physical and mental lovemaking, but without the brutal force of the darker hues.



     Pink is a lighter shade of red. It deals with a spiritual, emotional love rather than the physical form. Pink represents love that comes from the heart that is freely given without condition, such as the emotions and feelings between parent and child, close friends or family.


Planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Female

Colors: Pink

Key Phrases:

     Love from the heart, without the sexual connotation, purest form of love, raises vibrations, love without selfishness, feminine, spiritual healing, banish lower vibrations and hate, love of friends and family, affections, unselfish emotions, to start a relationship.



     Orange is a combination of Yellow/Mercury/mental agility and Red/Mars/action-energy. Thus you have the best of both worlds, the energies and actions of Red, yet the intelligence to know how to use this action. The overaggressive nature of the Red/Mars is now toned and tapered with the healing wisdom rays of Yellow/Mercury that nurtures the entire system. Sunday is the best day to use the color orange. It can be used on Tuesday or Wednesday with success, depending on your magickal goals. If used on Tuesday, the emphasis is on Physical action. If used on Wednesday, it is on mental action whereas Sunday is a balance of both.


Planet: Sun/Mars/Mercury

Day: Sunday/Tuesday/Wednesday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Male (Amazon Female)

Colors: Orange, rarely Red, sometimes Yellow

Key Phrases:

     Prosperity, energy building, attracts others in a positive way, attracts success, good luck and fortune. Builds vitality, energy, and stamina. Encourages fun and discourages laziness. Enhances mental agility, accompanied by the ability to take physical action toward a desired goal. Energizes the entire system. Promotes a happy-go-lucky appearance.



     Green really does bring the luck of the Irish, but in cases of money, you could be chasing rainbows. Money sought with this color seems to fade quickly and trickle in a little at a time, just enough to whet your appetite (refer to Gold or Brown).  . Green stimulates growth, especially concerning your garden and communication with plant life . Green is an Earth color, and is used on Friday. Depending on the magikal system you employ, it may be used on Wednesday, as Wednesday is also used for healing. Green used on Friday gives an emotional healing (matters of the heart), while Wednesday emphasizes healing knowledge.


Planet: Venus/Mercury

Day: Friday/Wednesday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Female or Male

Color: Green

Key Phrases:

     Money, healing, fertility, good luck and fortune. Attracts success. Communication with the plant kingdom (darker Greens) The secrets of healing are yours when you turn to this color. Use in conjunction with herbal healing techniques.



     Purple is the color of expansion in all forms. If you want to do something in a big way, this is the color to use. Purple expands anything you desire, i.e., spirituality, business, money, health or love. The Royal Blues are less expansive, dealing more with the emotional and spiritual levels of Jupiter. Therefore, the Royal or Dark Blues are attributed to Saturn.

     A word of caution, however: if you do not already have the items you desire, do not use Jupiter. Jupiter only expands and brings you more of what you already have. To obtain the items of the desires, use Sun/Sunday/Orange in order to manifest what you currently do not have in your life.


Planet: Jupiter

Day: Thursday

Hours: 1st/8th/15th/22nd

Energy: Male

Colors: Purple, sometimes Royal Blue, Dark Purple/Saturn

Key Phrases:

      Purple brings more of what you already have, in a big way. Wisdom, high idealism, knowledge of the higher realms of Magik, spiritual protection and healing, the becoming of your highest potential, becoming your God/dess self, reversal of a jinxed condition. Manipulation of law, business, commerce, courts, judges, people in a position of power over you. Enhancement of power, psychic ability, male energy. Influence older men of power and women with a strong male nature. Protective energy, bestows fame, power, and recognition in a chosen field. Progressive energies that continually expand the field.