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Spirit MusingsContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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New Spirit Musing Site - at AIMOO
Well, I looked at it and have to admit I like it better than the new LI site. So I joined it. Dale take a look and see what u think. I think it will work just fine, Thanks S...
Anita   01-12-09
New Spirit Musing Site - at AIMOO
If you don't want to use it, that's ok, but in order for you to not lose all your archives I had to create something quickly and I've asked it to transfer all pages over to new group. ...
MSN NicknameSassy_Catt   01-12-09
Do we want to move to Multiply?
I can also send if I wished, a private message to any other member at proboards and it's only accessible to us, not the entire group, so if I wanted to find out something from just one person, it...
MSN NicknameSassy_Catt   11-25-08
Do we want to move to Multiply?
That's the one feature of Proboards I don't like that they can attach a signature and it's usually a tag of some sort, I'd prefer NO SIGNATURES, but I have to be honest and say the edit feature a...
MSN NicknameSassy_Catt   11-25-08
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MSN NicknameSMEditor2 06-07-06
MSN NicknameSMEditor2 06-07-06
MSN NicknameSMEditor2 05-17-06
MSN Nicknamejazlin52 02-15-06
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Silvers Creations
jazlin's valley