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Topics Challenge : Topic Challenge - Aug 29/05
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(2 recommendations so far) Message 6 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuse  in response to Message 1Sent: 9/8/2005 4:35 PM
Don Juan de Pacito
Don Juan de Pacito was a direct descendant of Don Juan.
He traveled all over the world and he captured women’s
hearts with his looks and charms. He was born in Mexico
and lived in the United States after his father “Don Juan
de Marco�?was killed in a duel. It seems he found a young
woman of the village much to his liking and she bore him
a child Don Juan de Pacito. One day her former beau
showed up with malice in his heart, after finding out she
had left him for Don Marco. His beautiful mother asked
him to make a life for himself elsewhere.  So it left poor Don
Pacito without a father and a mother with too much grief.
He wandered Mexico for a while then he left for the United
States to get an education. He first traveled the world to learn
about his namesake, the failing in that endeavor even though
he loved many beautiful women he knew there was something more. His grandmother took him in and he was very happy at first then because of his dress other men took offense to him, yet the women loved him. He wore a mask and a cape much as his grandfather and father had done. Both of whom had many conquests of love.  So he too, began to travel and his lovers were many. Then one day on an island off the coast of Mexico he met a starlet who was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. Once she asked him if he would be true and he replied “Yes my
love always�?and then she asked him how many women he had been with, he being of honest upbringing, told her the truth, the
number being nearly one thousand. She said she never wanted to see him again and so he wandered back into the states where he was soon arrested for being a lunatic. The way he dressed and spoke was just not American and he irked the men. They brought charges against him and a judge sentenced him to a pysch ward where he met his Doctor, a Don Marlo de Brande. Well soon Don Marlo found out that he really wasn’t crazy and all the nurses in the ward fell at Don Pacitos feet madly in love with him. But he knew his true love was still in the islands as he intended to return and prove himself. So Don Marlo, who wished to disappear to the islands also with his love the Lady Faye, told Don Pacito that he must
act like an American and shed his mask and cape, just for the time being of course, until the panel would release him. Eventually after he gave them what they wanted to hear and Don Marlo bravely defended him. They declared he had been cured and released him unto the care of Don Marlo. After his release Don Marlo and Lady Faye accompanied him to the islands, where much to his delight and surprise, his true love was waiting. He told her he was done with other women and wanted only her and they must continue the family line. She gave birth to a son who looked just like Don Pacito,  he was honored with the name Don Johnny de Depp, who later became a star on the silver screen. The women also fell upon his feet and he was a huge success, bearing the family name with honor. 
The End
Moral of the story: If the mask fits wear it and if the cape is large, fly it. Just ask Don Johnny who now must continue the Don Juan line of lovers on the silver screen.

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     re: Topic Challenge - Aug 29/05   MSN NicknameWizeMuse  9/8/2005 4:37 PM
     re: Topic Challenge - Aug 29/05   Anita  9/8/2005 9:09 PM