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Collaborations : Our Vision
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemariemuses  (Original Message)Sent: 6/3/2005 5:43 AM
Dale Clark & Marie Wadsworth

I look outside the bedroom window
I see the moon, it shines into my eyes
The shards of light break through the clouds
carrying in the midnight love
She warms me, enveloping my heart
hers beating in time with mine
I looked outside my mind
In my mind there has always been
A vision of you
The sound of my heart
Fluttering in my chest
Tells me what I
Know is true
I love you!
Look deep into the shimmering sea swept pools
Of my eyes, A fever's fire of passion and desire spires,
A dream I keep deep inside,
I know you
As my one and only
In the sky above
Or the Earth down below
Our lover's souls are forever intertwined.
She walks into my life
Her beauty so exotic
Her body so sultry
She strips for me only
She smiles and moved sensuously
Her motions swayed erotically
Her breasts stand up
Her nipples hard and erect
awaiting my tongue
She watched me discreetly
making love our adventure
She kisses me so sweetly
Her beauty so revealing
in the nude
mysteriously she smiles
She removes her veil
our vision
We lie together
We need no sleep
our vision revealed
Our love is real
Love will save our souls
Love can save us from ourselves,
Yes, love can save us
Even from death
Love makes us larger than ourselves
Love never ends
It is eternal like the stars
This is our vision.

Replies to This Message The number of members that recommended this message.    
     re: Our Vision   Anita  6/3/2005 6:11 PM
     re: Our Vision   MSN Nicknamejazlin52  6/3/2005 7:44 PM