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Creative Writing : The House on Maple Avenue-A mystery
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(3 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: Anita  (Original Message)Sent: 3/12/2004 1:21 AM

  The House on Maple Avenue

The house loomed ominously above Ana as she stood in front of the heavy weathered door. Expelling a breath she had been holding involuntarily, she took the old iron key from her coat pocket and inserted it into the lock. It turned surprisingly easily. She gave the door a push and was surprised once more when it opened without so much as a creak.

The house had belonged to her grandmother. Ana had been named after her in what was an old family tradition. All first-born daughters in her family were named Ana after the first Ana to settle in the new world from Holland. Ana smiled remembering all the happy hours she had spent within this house. This was a place her heart remembered and always would.

She had not seen this place for almost 15 years though. She had moved to the other side of the country, and the house had set vacant since Old Ana’s death some 10 years ago. No one had lived here since her passing.

The house had been up for sale several times, but always taken off the market again when the potential owners heard that it was haunted. There were reports of a strange tapping sound echoing through the floor at all hours of the day and night. All of the real estate agents and their clients had heard it so the house never sold.

That was why Ana had come. She wanted to see if she could hear what everyone was talking about and put an end to the rumors. She knew this had always been a happy place. No untoward event had ever taken place here that she had heard of.

She walked deeper into the foyer and felt sadness as she looked around. The paint and beautiful old wallpaper was chipped and peeling. The wooden floor, which once shone with wax, was buckling and badly scarred. At the foot of the staircase, the knob of the newel post was missing and the carpet on the stairs was now so worn the wood could be seen beneath it. Several of the stairs looked broken also. The whole house presented an air of abandonment and neglect. It was hard to believe it was the house she remembered.

Ana toured the house going from room to room and found it in much the same condition. She found an old armchair in what used to be the guest room on the second floor and sat down. She closed her eyes and remembered long winter days spent in this very room where Gran had taught her to paint and sew and given her all manner of advice. A wise and patient woman, Gran had never lacked in affection for her namesake.

The room used to be filled with any toy a little girl could want. Yes, this was a happy place and why anyone would think it was haunted was beyond Ana’s comprehension. She left the room and carefully made her way to the bottom floor again. She intended to drive back to the hotel where she had taken a room for the week before it got too dark to see. Tomorrow she would hire some workers to help her with some of the needed repairs and when she left at the end of the week, she would place the house in the hands of another realtor to finish and to place it back on the market again.

As she reached for the doorknob, the tapping began. Tap Tap Tap…Tap Tap Tap in a constant rhythm. Ana stopped and listened. It seemed to be coming from under the floorboard toward the back of the house.

She found herself thinking that the tapping sounded familiar to her. But what could it possibly be? No mouse could make that sound. There was a chance she supposed that the old plumbing could be making it but she thought that unlikely.

As she followed the sound to the kitchen, it became louder until she reached the door to the basement. There was no electricity so she went to her car to fetch a torch. On reentering the house, she found the tapping had not abated but had grown even more loud and insistent. She climbed down the wooden steps very slowly with the torch . There it was again! Tap Tap Tap…Tap Tap Tap.

Walking past sheet-shrouded furniture, her heart beating furiously Ana came to a small alcove where she used to set and play with her dolls. There on an old wooden bench sat the source of the tapping. Years ago, Gran had given her a wind-up toy monkey dressed in a red and gold costume. On the monkey’s paws, were fastened two tiny brass cymbals. It was the rhythmic banging of these that everyone had been hearing.

Ana laughed with relief until she realized that there was no one here who could have wound the mechanical monkey up to play the little cymbals! Ana felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up and a chill enveloped the room. Ana watched in horror as a shadow disengaged itself from the wall and moved toward her. She stood there rooted to the spot as she watched the shadow change and take on human form. In the time it took for a scream to start, the form strengthened and there stood Gran.

“Don’t be frightened Ana,�?implored the specter. I needed to tell you something and this is the only way I could get you here.�?/FONT>Ana felt herself calming down. After all it was just Gram, and she would never hurt her. Gram, what is it? , she asked.

“Ana, please don’t let my house be sold to strangers�? I want you to have it and to live here,�?the spirit wept in anguish. I cannot rest knowing someone who does not love this place might live here.�?That’s why you drove everybody away, isn’t it?�?asked Ana. You used my toy to drive others away and to lure me down here. “Yes, I did and it worked�?Ana said ‘Gran why didn’t you make a will if that is what you wanted. I would have taken it gladly but you left it to Jon.�?The spirit’s eyes gleamed with outrage. �?I made a will and left the house to you, Ana. He hid it and gave the court one he had forged!�?And I can prove it. Look beneath the seat of that chair you were sitting on in your old room�?

Ana turned and made her way swiftly upstairs to the chair and lifted the cushion. The bottom was wood and stuffed in the corner was an envelope. With shaking hands, Ana tore the letter open and there was the long hidden will bequeathing to Ana not only the house, but also a large sum of money.

Ana turned and ran back to the basement and down the stairs. “Gran, you were right. It’s right her�?/FONT>Gran was gone and so was the toy monkey. But the house felt peaceful and happy once again. "Bye Gran', whispered Ana with a smile.


Anita Callender2004

all rights reserved


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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 3/12/2004 1:31 AM
Anita-This is a gem. What a great write. I was spellbound
throughout the story and the end is a delight. You are such
a talented writer. Great! Brava!

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 3/12/2004 4:50 AM
Thank you so much Dale!  

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 3/12/2004 12:05 PM
Great story.  You know, the part where the lady realizes no one could wind up that toy and suddenly a shape comes out of the corner, had my hair standing on end!!!!  WOW!  I like how you had Gran doing all these things in the hopes of finally setting a wrong to rights! *S*
I was going to ask if MAPLE AVE was anywhere near ELM STREET, but it wasn't gory like I've heard those ones are! hahahahah

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameD-AmeeSent: 3/12/2004 4:17 PM
 Anita ... darling this is fantastic!  
You really wrote this very well.  You caught my attention very quickly, the story flowed very nicely.... okay ...yeah...and it kinda made the hair on my arms stand up there for just a second... which is a good thing...because writing is suppose to strike emotion and you did that beautifully.  
Truly a joy to read.  Thank you for sharing your story.  I enjoyed it tremendously.
T Y - Amy   

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTimaichaSent: 3/12/2004 8:32 PM
Thank you for sharing this beautiful haunting heartfelt write Anita!!
I wish my Gran could bring me some good!!
Spooky but heartfelt!!!
Love Tinka

(1 recommendation so far) Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 3/13/2004 12:01 AM
Dale, Amy, Sassy and Tinka,
Thank you so much for your comments on my story! Feedback means a lot when you are writing! It helps you know if you are on the right track. Coming from all the talented people here, it really means a lot.
Thank you so much,
Love Anita

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