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Creative Writing : Club Calypso (Final Episode)
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuse  (Original Message)Sent: 4/2/2005 3:26 PM
Got tired of this guys so I just wrapped it up.
Hope you enjoyed, I spose with some work
it could turn into something good.
Club Calypso
(Home Sweet Home)
They took the girl to the Club after he found out that the
old man was on his way down. We'd wait him out and the
girl would be our cover. Tiger watched her while we waited.
It would be the last time I'd visit this lost Mexico. It
really was a lost soul that found his way there, thought
Dave! He figured Val had made up her mind, not sure but
it seemed like a one way street. She couldn't leave her
family or most especially her old man. Her brothers were
in the same boat he believed and this mess he went through
down there, man oh man was it worth it? That he wasn't sure
of, but one thing he didn't regret was the short time he and
Val had together. She was beautiful and actually he felt sorry
for her situation. Her father was a domineering personality
and he wondered if Val would ever escape and have her own life.
 Val walked in the club and looked at Dave and he knew
immediately from the sadness in her eyes. "Hello Dave, so you
found the girl." she said matter of factly and he knew then
the whole damn thing was a setup. But hey the old man payed us
well and we wouldn't turn that down but what if? That was the
thinking on Daves' mind. Too many what ifs, he thought.
"Good morning Val." Dave replied "You look very nice in the
morning, pretty as ever." She smiled and said, "You're such a
good man, Dave!" "Oh I don't know about that but you found a
guy that could make you happy, can you let go of that?"
 "Come and sit by me Val, Dave asked, "you need to feel my
heart one more time." She looked down and walked over to Dave's
table and they put their hands together. She was crying a little
and Dave knew she wished to go with him, but just couldn't. It's
funny how life is. I leaned over and kissed her and wiped the
tears from her eyes. She just shook and sobbed, I said let's take
a little walk. "Tiger be back, need some air." He knew Tiger
would watch her like a hawk.
 He put his arms around Val as they walked to the side tables
and stood looking out at the ocean. She sobbed and broke down, and
Dave said to her, "Val why won't you let me make you happy, give
you a new life?" "I just can't Dave, I'm so sorry. I'd really love
to be with you. Why can't you just stay down here." she asked. He
thought and said, "Val, I couldn't tolerate your father and his ways.
You do need to get away from him to find the happiness you deserve,
but I can't make you see that, you've got to do that yourself."
"Dave, you just don't understand!" she sobbed. "No I don't, replied
Dave, I've always went my own way I guess. Yet our family had strong
ties and my brother and I are still together, but I don't live his
life and he doesn't attempt to live mine. This is something totally
different Val, you're letting him control you and one day you will
hate him for it."
 He leaned over and kissed her, she kissed him back but she was
pulling away, putting distance between him and her feelings. He could
sense that much. "Val I know you loved me, why don't you think it over
and we'll stay in touch and when you decide to, you can come on up."
he said knowing that wouldn't probably ever happen. He'd never felt
exactly like this before, they had some sort of connection and to just
let it go was almost too much to take. "Val don't make me walk away."
Dave said. "I'm so sorry Dave, I do care about you too, but I just
can't leave my father." "Well, I hope he appreciates you as much as I
do? I rather doubt it." Dave exclaimed. Then Tiger came to the door
and said "Dave old man Watson just walked in, and our plane leaves in
an hour or so." "I know Tiger and I ready, just a second."
 He grabbed Val and pulled her close, "I'll never forget you Val.
You are a special lady and you sure helped me out of some troubles."
"Dave, I love you, I did the first time I saw you." "Then Why Val?
he begged, "can't you give it a chance to work and you'll see it will
get easier and we'll visit your family often." "No Dave, I just can't.
she cried, I have to be here and if you wish you can come and see me,
please do." He wasn't sure that was an option but he lied and said
"Sure Val, listen I've got to go. Home is waiting for me too."
They kissed Goodbye and Dave walked away forever.

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     re: Club Calypso (Final Episode)   MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  4/2/2005 4:18 PM