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Creative Writing : Adventures of the Big E
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(2 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuse  (Original Message)Sent: 4/27/2005 6:29 PM

The Big E gives me the Birdie
Elvis Time………�?BR> I'd had quite a few rounds of body shots at this point. (well, I'm probably lying about the body shots, but I was fuzzy headed again) What to Do? What to Do? (deja vu) What Could I Do? What Should I Do? This Ernesto dude was too smooth and I didn't have a clue where my keys were (got drunk and lost em). I could have gave chase, cause I do love JoLynn. But I'd better think of my wife. (no just kidding, honey if you're reading) Her name really is JoLynn and the lecherous Big E along with his trusty horn dogs (not too trusty, as they would sneak a butt shot whenever they could, for the story’s sake) were sampling the wares. And me, well I was just sitting at this bar flirting with the waitress with the red dress on. (honey, the story is becoming stale) I wondered when I'd wake up? (it's a dream, remember) The Coyote Inns were very popular and I would find one in the next town. (there's one in your town) Where was I? Hell, I didn't know I only knew my baby was abducted by the Coyotes of Nogales'........(dramatic ain't it, but I'll leave you with some real choice choices)

 I head out the door, wobbling a little. (body shots'll do that to you) I jump in my Stang and floor it, heading towards Juarez. I leave without saying goodbye to waitress in the red dress. Oh yeah, I found my keys in that cuties bra. (Honest honey I just accidently slipped my hand in there) (JoLynn, I love you, really) After all, I'm still searching for you and besides you're all over the Big E! I leave a huge cloud of dust hanging over the parking lot. I look in my rearview mirror and see a pink Cadillac coming up fast. I notice something on the hood of the car...(mysterious like)....resembles a (yeah you got it) coyote. The driver blows his horn (incredible howling) passes me on the narrow one lane road, causing my Stang to slide. At the last minute I glance over and to my surprise (well, just a little) there's Ernesto (The Big E?) grinning, JoLynn's sitting close, his arm over her shoulder. As I lose control, I see his hand with the middle finger extended (the s o b's giving me the birdie)......(cuss…crash…burn)


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     re: Adventures of the Big E   MSN Nicknamemariemuses  5/9/2005 6:32 AM