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Creative Writing : Ethel's Episodes-Halloween in Salem
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(3 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: Anita  (Original Message)Sent: 9/7/2006 4:41 AM


Note: This is an actual event. Of course I did change a few things.

The Witches�?Dumb Supper honors the dead with a dinner observed in total silence. Guests are invited to partake in a banquet and to bring photos and mementos used to summon the spirits of their loved ones. This solemn feast is a venerated tradition where the dead attend the living for a magical night of communion.
The evening opens with a ceremony welcoming the dead, after which attendees are guided into the sacred space where the feast is served. From this point on, total silence must be observed, in respect for the departed .


Ethel’s Episodes-Halloween in Salem


The crow flew overhead unnoticed by the occupants of the brown Ford Taurus as it headed southward on I-95.
The bird paused long enough to make sure the car was well on its way, then turned and flew back the way it had come north to Salem. There were those back there waiting anxiously for word of the sure departure of the four people in the car, especially that woman, Ethel.

In the car the silence was broken only by Ethel’s sniffs and the other occupants�?occasional bursts of laughter.
Ethel, however, hid her face in her hands, embarrassed beyond words.

She had no way to know when she had set out that morning how impossibly  wrong the evening was going to go. Now she, Harvey, Stan, and Goldie were on their way down the interstate looking for a hotel that would accept pets.

This was not the original plan. They were going to spend the night in Salem after their evening out and leave for Manhattan in the morning. Events however, conspired against them so here they were at 11:00pm, out on the highway on Halloween night in a misty, cold rain.

Ethel shuddered, more from the memory of what had transpired back in Salem, then from the cold.

Harvey, and Ethel had picked up their friends at their home early in the morning two days ago for a little mini-vacation.
They drove the 234 miles from Manhattan to Salem in slightly over 4 hours. The women were excited to be visiting Salem. Ethel had wanted to go for a long time. She was fascinated by the stories of witchcraft and the trials of the Witches of Salem. (Harvey laughingly referred to those unfortunates as the “Bitches of Salem�?to make Ethel mad.)

This did not keep him from wanting to make Ethel happy though and as her friend  was interested as well, he bought four tickets to The Witches Dumb Supper, to held at the  Lyceum Bar and Grill on Church Street on October,31st.

They had a wonderful time in Salem, visiting all the historical sites and of course, the museum and burial ground where the remains were interred. They spent an uneventful first night in a quaint little inn in the town.

If only the rest of the visit had gone as well and Ethel had not been so worried about her dog. .

Ethel and Harvey met Stan and Goldie downstairs that evening at 5:30.  Ethel and Goldie had both dressed in black flowing caftans and the men wore black suits  with white shirts and black ties. Ethel had a large oversized purse with her, while Goldie carried only an evening bag. They all complimented each other and went to the banquet.

They reached the Lyceum in time to take part in the welcoming ceremony for the dead and they followed the other guests into another room where the lighting was dim and supposedly the spirits would join the guests. From this point they were not to talk so they began the meal in silence. Ethel wanted to talk to Harvey and their friends, but knew she could not until the meal was over and it was time to leave.

The meal was served and as everyone began to eat, chamber music was piped in over hidden speakers. Its purpose was to put the spirits and their guests into the proper mood for visitations. The heads of the witches coven in Salem were in attendance also.

Some of the guests appeared to be going into trances and as they did so, the music coming from the speakers changed to a selection of bagpipe melodies…low and funereal in sound.

To everyone’s astonishment, a  low moan was heard. Oooohhh. It grew louder and louder in volume.

 Oooohhhhh! Oooohhhh! OHWOWOH!

People began to look around. No one could figure out where the sound was coming from. Some of the guests faces reflected both fear and anticipation. A visitation was surely occurring! Oh, this was thrilling.!


Ethel began to eat faster. Harvey tried to catch her eye, but she refused to look at him. The howling grew louder and louder. Everybody was whispering about the presence and was trying to figure out which guest was being visited by their departed.

Stan and Goldie began to cast suspicious looks under the table. The howling continued. Ethel ignored it and continued to eat faster and faster. Finally she could stand it no longer.


“Satan, please do shut up!�? she yelled at the top of her voice! The noise ceased immediately. Everybody looked at the little old lady at the end of the table fearfully; the heads of the coven included. Those guests closest to them began to move as far away from them as they could in their seats.

Harvey saw the coven leaders stand up and the look of menace in their eyes as they approached the end of the table.

He also saw the way the dinner guests were looking at them and decided that they should leave immediately...before someone realized  who Satan really was.

Harvey whispered, ”Lets get out of here! They think we’re witches from another coven.�?/EM>

The quartet rose  as one and headed for the exit as the men headed toward them.

Just as they got to the door, a small black furry face peered out of the top of Ethel's purse. Nobody saw him except for Ethel who quickly reached over and stuffed the head back in the purse.

"Satan, get back in there!"

Owwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Satan howled in goodbye.

They ran through the door pursued by the witches coven leaders.

Two seconds later they were in their car speeding out of town.

“Ethel, how could you! You almost got us in serious trouble back there.�?Why did you have to bring Satan?�?/EM>

“Because he’s so little and I didn’t want to leave him alone in the hotel room, Harvey�?I didn’t think he would cause a problem.�?/EM>

“Well, he caused plenty!�?/EM>

Stan and Goldie began to laugh when they finally caught their breath.

“Oh my god!�? exclaimed Goldie.
“Did you see the looks on their faces?"
“You know they knew that the dinner was just a way to take advantage of gullible people. But they actually believed there was something supernatural going on and it scared them. What fakes�?

Finally Harvey’s lips began to twitch, and then he was laughing too.They would never forget their trip to Salem with Ethel and Satan.

Neither would the witches.


Anita Callender2006
All rights reserved



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     re: Ethel's Episodes-Halloween in Salem   MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  9/8/2006 8:58 PM