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View the details of this row. 5/15/2004 2:30 AM 

Club Calypso

The Stranger

   The Latin beat oozes into the night, seducing the dancers with exotic jazzy melodies. The movements of romance enhances and permeates the feeling of the night. The dancers move with such force and beauty. The most beautiful woman on the dance floor is graceful and lithe. She moves to the music in a rhythmic heat. The men line up to catch
her eye, wishing just for a taste and a tango. The lights are flashing inside her mind as she
moves with the pounding beat of passion.

   A stranger enters, his presence is intriguing and dangerous. She cannot take her eyes off of him, he radiates a passion she’s never felt.She gazes upon his handsome countenance, his confident style, his sadness holds her. He smiles as he catches her eyes, she looks away and he watches her dance the calypso. Suddenly he feels a malevolent presence standing in the doorway. He sees a form and three shots ring out.

to be continued�?/FONT>

© CJ Clark
All Rights Reserved


MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 5/29/2004 11:51 PM 

Club Calypso

Beautiful Valencia

 The dancers name was Valencia and she danced with grace and style. She was stunning and her beauty lit up the dance floor. Every man in the club wished to hold her close, yet she had never found a man who could match her. She carried the stigma with her even when she danced. The sadness that she would never find a
man to suit her, weighed upon her soul. She drew a crowd every night at the club, they came just to watch her dance, so her partners always felt they had a chance to romance the sweet Val.
 The night the stranger had walked in was like any other until he entered and she caught his eye. He looked her up and down, impressed with what he saw, but he had a lot on his mind. He was a private detective hired to find a woman who had left her husband in Dallas, Texas. The last anyone had saw them was on a beach on the Mexican coast at a little village where the Club Claypso was a main attraction for nightly entertainment. The beach combers and latin lovers hung out in the bar and danced to the rhythmic beat. It was hot and heavy, seductive for the lovers and a balm for the lookers.
He had heard they were known to frequent the place, so he stopped in for a look round when he was shot at the bar his first night in the village. He was only wounded and his shot had killed the tall form that now lie in his own blood in the doorway, everyone screaming going out the back way. The closest hospital was miles away, so the local doctor had treated the strangers wounds and sent him on his way, to the local village police station to be grilled about the killing.

 The bartender and all the waiters and waitresses were done with their testimonies and he was the only one they hadn’t spoken to. He was grilled and they considered it self defense, but they confiscated his weapon until he could prove its legalities. He had
shown them his passport and his gun permit, but it seemed only legal in the US. So that was a sticky point. They dismissed him as they really had no reason to hold him, though in Mexico they didn’t always need a reason, if they wanted you bad enough. He walked out of the station, lit a cigarette and noticed a car parked at the curb. His first reflex was to grab his gun, but of course now he didn’t have one. He saw sitting in the car the lovely Mexican senorita and recognized her as the dancer at the club. She rolled her window down and spoke to him in impeccable English. “Senor, would you care for a ride?�?Her voice was sultry as she was beautiful. He walked to the car and got in.

to be continued...

MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 6/9/2004 4:47 PM 

Club Calypso

Hot Sultry Night

    Valencia moved over so the stranger could get in. He felt her leg against his and wondered what there was about her to make her so irresisitble. She smiled to give him a clue and she said; ‘where to, handsome?�?/P>

He had checked in to the only hotel in town, so he smiled back ‘Your place?�?and laughed. She looked down at his feet and he thought to himself, is she really shy or just putting me on? She said; ‘So you got yourself into a little fix tonight.�?

‘Wouldn’t be the first time, he laughed, adding, ‘friendly place you’ve got here.�?She smiled and looked down. She was very beautiful but seemed to him to be so sad. He could relate, as sometimes life just doesn’t turn out the way you want it to. He looked out into the hot sultry night and felt like he was at a crossroads.

A beautiful woman sitting next to him, a case that could get him killed. Ah the beauty of the unknown.

They pulled up to the Hotel Grande and he got out of the car looking back wishing he could invite her up to his room for a drink. She looked at him knowingly and winked as if inviting herself, she followed him out onto the sidewalk and they stood looking into the night sky. He said ‘Beautiful night.�?

She replied ‘Yes, it is very beautiful.�?/P>

‘What brings you to El Dorado, Senor ah...�?/P>

‘McKenna, Dave McKenna, and I’m just here for a little rest and relaxation.�?

‘This I do not believe Senor McKenna.�?/P>

‘I don’t believe I caught your name; he replied, and the whole mixup at the cantina was... only that Miss...�?/P>

‘Val, Valencia Esperanza.�?/P>

‘Well Val, please call me Dave, everyone else does.

I gather your family owns the cantina.�?/P>

‘Yes Senor Dave and the hotel here; she smiled laughing, my father and brothers are very wealthy men, this is why I am pursued so furiously, I’m afraid. So you see it doesn’t really have a lot to do with beauty or love.�?/P>

‘Oh I beg to differ, because you are very beautiful.�?he mused.

The hot sultry night became incredibly stuffy now that he wondered about her family and how they might interact with his case. He was looking for a woman who disappeared into Mexico, she was wife of a wealthy Texas business man out of Dallas. He and his brother still ran the business which they had inherited from their father, who was affectionately known as ‘Heavy�?by the local criminals he had hunted down after breaking bail. He was a hard ass as the brothers always said and the McKennas were not taken with kid glove treatment. They had been raised in a strict background but the old man taught them everything they knew about running this business. Dave had went into the private investigating after a short stint with the Dallas Police Department. Their office was now located in Austin, since Dallas had not been to their liking, what with the way it had grown. They now were seeing similiar growth in Austin and they didn’t like it. As Jimmy, Dave's brother, always said ‘what ya gonna do about it.�?/P>

He had got into this ordeal when a John Watson had walked into their offices a week ago. He paid up front and he paid well.

Jimmy said; ‘Want me to go down and take a look around Dave?�?/P>

‘Nah, I’ll take care of it.�?had been his dumb reply, never knowing that he was getting himself in deeper shit than he could imagine.

Wasn’t the first time he was shot at, but this seemed to be awfully fishy seeing as how he’d been revealed to the gunman who must work for the man who ran off with Mrs. Watson. He had a bad feeling, now. He needed some sleep and he wanted to have a little conversation with old man Watson, plus he needed to do some serious thinking.

‘Miss Esperanza, I must take your leave, smiling he replied; would you care to have dinner with me tomorrow night?�?/P>

‘Please Senor Dave call me Val, and I would love to have dinner with you, but you must escort me to the Club later.�?/P>

‘Goodnight Senorita, Shall we meet at around 6 PM then?�?/P>

‘Yes Senor, I look forward to it.�?/P>

He gets in the elevator and goes up to the third floor and puts his key in the door with the lady on his mind and suddenly he feels a blow to the head and everything turns to blackness...

A hot sultry night indeed...


MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 6/9/2004 4:49 PM 

Club Calypso

What a Headache!

 When the stranger awoke he looked up into a face smiling down at him. The face looked awfully familiar, yet he could remember nothing. He had a splitting headache and his vision was foggy. He felt like he had been hit with a baseball bat. ‘Senor McKenna, are you alright?�?asked the big burly man with a bit of concern, but mostly amusement. ‘Oh I’m just fine, he mumbled, ‘if you don’t mind getting shot and knocked out all in the same day.�?He shook his head and saw stars.
  He awoke later to find himself in his hotel bed and he felt like he’d been run over by a train. Heck of a welcome, today has got to be better, he thought.  He looked at the clock and it said three o’clock, pm I presume he thought laughing, ouch! He wondered who had helped him into his bed, only wishing it was the sweet senorita musingly. He remembered his dinner date this evening, but he had not done one thing as far as work, but get shot, kill a witness and been hit over the head. He wondered, why am I still breathing? Someone had helped him, he vaguely remembered his face looking down at him like a dream, then nothing. He wondered, why his sudden popularity?
   He took a shower, shaved, brushed his teeth, put on a casual jacket, dress slacks and a light shirt, walked down to the bar and ordered a bourbon straight up, and a sandwich. He had a dinner date if he wasn’t mistaken. Suddenly a familiar burly man walked up asking; ‘Senor McKenna, are you feeling a little better this afternoon?�?I’m Miguel, Vals brother, ‘she had asked me to look out for you last evening or this morning, but I was a bit late. The man who hit you over the head got away, I’m sorry to say.�?

He replied, ‘Well you probably saved my life nevertheless, so gracias Miguel and I’m very happy to have met you, your sister seems to be looking  out for me without knowing a thing about who I am. Curious I might add?�?

‘Well senor, my sister is a very helpful young lady who sometimes takes an interest in strangers, unfortunate as it might seem.�?Miguel had a mean look as he said that, and it gave Dave a bit of a funny feeling, but he had nothing on him or her family and so far he hadn’t a clue about any of the business he was hired for.

He replied; ‘Well Miguel I’m at your service it seems and I really appreciate you and your sisters help. I only hope I can repay you in some way.�?/P>

‘Well Senor, if you wish to repay me you will not take my sister for granted, he said a bit menacingly, then added laughing, ‘or we could have to rethink our association.�?

  He sat sipping his drink, and ordered a beer and ate his sandwich giving much thought to his occupation and the hazards within. He knew that the couple he was looking for had been seen in this vicinity, but the exact whereabouts was pure speculation. He may have to move up the coast, as he felt they would more than likely stick to the less traveled tourist traps, albeit less appealing, the beaches not as nice as Acapulco or one of the other more popular haunts. They had to have known that Mr. Watson would spare no expense to bring his wife back home to him, love him or not. He had made that very plain in his conversation with Dave. So now risk your life for a big paycheck or call the whole show off and let him hire someone else with more interest in money then living. This bothered him very much and he was contemplating that as he sipped his beer and ate his sandwich. He knew now they were very aware of him and his intentions, so this left him feeling very nervous. He thought and I could really just put my attention to this beautiful senorita. This idea was the best one he'd had for ages.

MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 5/30/2004 2:20 PM 

Club Calypso

A Romantic Rendezvous

  He looked about the bar and he noticed the clock on the wall just turned to five and so he went back to his room to freshen up a bit and walked out onto the balcony for a bit of air. He had always just dreamed of a life of leisure, sitting in the sun taking in a cool breeze, sipping a drink, with a beautiful woman at his side. He entertained those ideas and decided this was a plan if he could swing it somehow. This may just be his last job. He picked up the phone and called long distance to talk with his brother Jimmy.

'Jimmy, I've been shot, hit over the head and I don't have a clue as to the whereabouts of the individuals we were hired to find.'

'Dave, I told you to let me go down there,' he replied helpfully.

'It wouldn't have made a damn which one of us it was and you
sure as hell would have been shot and hit over the head and who knows what all, cause that sonofabitch Watson has set us up.' He thought man, Jimmy could be dead cause he never was as quick with a gun as he was and besides the girl wouldn't have taken to him so then what, no protection. He hated to think where he'd be if her brother hadn't showed up.

'Jimmy forget that, you tell that sonofabitch that when I get my ass outta here I'm coming straight for him, unless he has answers right away, pronto. I'll call you tomorrow and see if you have talked to him or not. Let me know and wish me luck.'

'Ok Dave, but hell you never did need luck you always had it, always. Talk to you tomorrow and I'll find out what I can about the old man.'

 Dave hung up and looked about for his other gun in his suitcase and sure enough it was still there, he loaded it and stuck in his shoulder holster, it fit nicely under his jacket. No problems at least he could shoot back, whether or not it made any difference was up to a higher power.

 He called for a taxi and before he got off the phone there was a knock on the door of his hotel room and a voice outside that sounded an awful lot like his dinner date. He hung up the phone and opened the door, she walked in he was stunned, he nearly passed out right there, he got dizzy and felt hot. She asked ‘Senor Dave are you alright?�?He was speechless and tried to stand up to walk out for some air, she grabbed his arm and said ‘Stay right there Dave, I’ll get a cold cloth.�?He heard the water running in the bathroom and suddenly she appeared placing the cloth on his head he felt dizzy still but managed a smile. ‘I guess it’s the blow to the head Val,�?knowing full well what it was. She smiled and kissed the side of his face and said ‘We could order dinner in Dave.�?

‘Marvelous idea darling., he replied, ‘cause I m not feeling too good. Would you mind?�?He was really feeling awfully woozy. She was just too good to be true, he thought, so very beautiful and a sweetheart to boot. He suddenly felt like he had known her for years and he was in love so quickly, funny how that happens especially to a grown man. He’d had one little try at marriage but of course it didn’t work out, what with his line of work. He was never home and he met way too many women, beautiful women, enough to ruin any marriage. He heard another knock on the door and Val got up and let the bell boy in with a tray with champagne and two glasses. He opened the bottle and poured them each a glass. He reached to tip him and Val shook her head, smiled and said 'Thanks Jorge!'
 They lie back on the bed and he took her in his arms, and smiled saying 'This sure beats going out.' She smiled and he leaned over to kiss her. He thought this is one gorgeous lady and he could be in love.



MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 6/9/2004 5:24 PM 

Club Calypso

Slipped a Mickey

 He awoke with a phone ringing in his head, he reached over to answer it realizing that Val had left him in the room sleeping. He answered and a familiar voice spoke to him, ‘Dave, where you been? I’ve been trying for two hours to reach you. Well anyways the old man he checked out clean and it seems the last P.I. he had hired had been killed and so you know I think I’d better come down there?�?

He replied, ‘No Jimmy, you stay put and tail that old man just send Tiger down, he’ll watch my back and help me out of any jams I may get into, it seems I’ve got some guardian angels down here, but I’m not sure why? It’s very peculiar and I’m getting a bit nervous, I’m feeling very groggy right now, I got hit in the head last night and slept most of the day. I was supposed to have a dinner date who left me hanging, I feel like someone slipped me a Mickey. But don’t worry I’m a ok! Let me know when Tiger’s coming in and I’ll pick him up personal like. This damn phone might be bugged, so I’ll call you at home from a pay phone. Bye!�?He hung the phone up before Jimmy could say shit, so he thought better this way he doesn’t need to think I’m worried. even though he was.

 He changed and splashed on some cologne, opened the door and looked out into the hall and lo and behold another brother he surmised watching over him. This one was a bit smaller and much friendlier looking. ‘Senor�?Dave, he exclaimed, ‘I’ve been waiting on you, I’ll bet you need a ride to the club. Val said you’d come around after a short nap. It turned into a long one though, it’s rather late, but of course the club is open until two in the morning. Val will be waiting. Oh my name is Tom, eh Tomas, he smiled and winked, I was raised in the states Senor�?Dave. My father is looking forward to meeting the famous private eye. You may be interested to know you’re well known in town now. This is a small resort.�?/P>

‘Yes Tom, I’ve gathered as much but I haven’t had much time to see anything, what with the warm welcome I’ve received. It seems I was slipped a little something to make me sleep this evening. Your sister has really taken a liking to me it seems. He laughed and replied, ‘Yes Senor�?Dave she wanted to make sure you got your rest she felt you weren’t up to the evenings events without some. She does have an obligation to the club according to our father. So, she made sure you wouldn’t be too tired for some dancing and drinking.�?/P>

‘Well Tom, that’s very nice of her to think of me, he replied sarcastically, she is beautiful though and quite charming. I do have some business to take care of the next few days and I’ve had my share of interruptions. So it’s off to the club, shall we?�?/P>

‘Si Dave! My car is right out front.�?/P>

 They arrived at the club and he had made sure his gun was loaded and in it’s holster before they left, just in case good old Tom or Mike got any ideas. They sat at a table close to the door and he made sure to turn his chair and face it. He took a long look about for something or someone suspicious. Hell they all looked suspicious. He moved his foot to the beat of the music and heard the rhythm of Latin passion. He found her among the dancers with a wealthy looking older gentleman and he thought so this is what her job is, to soften up the clientele a bit. She was so very beautiful but she could be sucking him into something he wanted no part of. Suddenly a face appeared out of the crowd she looked awfully familiar, but he wasn’t close enough to I D her. A man grabbed her arm and walked over to he and Tom. He spoke eloquently to him, ‘Senor�?McKenna, You’ve met my sons and my daughter I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is Francisco Esperanza and this is my finance�?�?






MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 6/10/2004 6:06 PM 

Club Calypso

Dave meets Dad

‘This is my fiancée�?Olivia Martinez. She and I met in the states. So Senor�?McKenna you have, I understand, an agenda for being here in El Dorado?�?So it wasn’t her, but it did look a bit like her, well that would have been way
too easy anyway. He didn’t like Val’s father much, he carried an air about him and damn was he nosey.

‘Sir I don’t quite follow you, he replied agitated; ‘and I don’t generally advertise my line of work. If you will please allow me, I will be quite honest with you. I have some personal business that doesn’t involve anyone here or in your family or at least I hope it doesn’t. I’m quite happy to have met your family as you’ve all been very kind to me and I hope we can remain on friendly terms.�?/P>

Mr. Esperanza replied tersely; ‘Of course Senor�?McKenna, I fully understand, I was only making conversation and I must say we don’t usually have any problems here that require a private detective. Our police and our Chief make good solid citizens out of all our inhabitants including the tourists and our guests.�?/P>

 Suddenly Val appeared and he noticed the music had stopped. She smiled and sat down and said; ‘So Dave I see you’ve met my father and his fiancée�?Olivia. My father always gets right to the point and he’s always been like that. It’s probably part of the reason his business has been such a success.�?

‘Thank you dear, Senor McKenna and I were just exchanging pleasantries,�?replied Senor�?Esperanza.

 Dave suddenly had a large number of ideas run through his mind and he thought he’d better get Tiger down there as soon as possible. He could see that things might not remain so friendly. He really took offense to Mr. Esperanza’s line of questioning and his terse attitude towards the McKenna’s business there at the resort. He felt there was some reason, perhaps the Senor�?had some knowledge of Mrs. Watson’s whereabouts, and how the hell did everyone know he was a private investigator when he had only just appeared in town. They had a idea somehow or knew of his business there. How could that be? He wondered to himself if they hadn’t been tipped off, but the only ones who knew were Jimmy, Tiger and the old man Watson and himself. They had to have been expecting a visitor in town and he guessed he fit the bill. He thought the man who tried to kill me, he conveniently had disappeared and nobody had ever said another word to him of it. Was this something to be thankful for perhaps he didn’t really want to meet up with this Chief of Police. He was unsure of everything now and there sat Val by his side and she didn’t know a damn thing about him, did she? He wasn’t sure about that either, so his head was in a spin and nothing but a blur of ideas flashed before his eyes, none of them good. Suddenly the music starts back again, a samba or a rumba he guessed, not knowing because it all sort of sounded alike to him. Val whispered into his ear and so he got up to dance with her. She moved so gracefully, almost like a cat ready to pounce. She was way too much for his senses at this point. He tried to get into the movement and found himself lost, in a trance. He was way over his head, with the music and this beautiful woman.


MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 6/10/2004 6:10 PM 

Club Calypso

The Chief of Police

‘Val could I ask you a question? he whispered in her ear; ‘I’m at a loss here as to what interest you and your family have with me?�?‘Well Dave, I have taken a personal interest in you, my family watches out for me perhaps too much.�?She smiled and arched her back and he grabbed her around the waist and held her like a doll. She was giving him the fever and he knew it. ‘Val, I’m a little light headed and I feel like this is moving rather quickly. I wish we could have a talk you and I. Would you mind a walk in the night air?�?
‘Not at all Dave, she smiled and kissed him on the forehead, ‘I do hope your headache is gone.�?/P>

 They walked out the side entrance which led to a balcony overlooking the ocean. The salt spray was in their faces and the smell was strong of the night and the sea. He slipped his hand around her waist and she leaned into him then. She was smiling looking into his eyes, ‘So Dave, what is it you are concerned about?�?
‘Well for one thing love, I’ve got a bit of a dilemma. I’m wondering why in the world you and your family are helping out a total stranger and why you seem so interested in me?�?He thought yeah I could love this beauty.
‘Dave, there is something I haven’t told you, we have knowledge of your business here through the authorities who are aware of your background. They don’t like Americans poking around what they consider police business or business of the Mexican populace.�?She kissed him passionately on the lips and he returned it with a bit of trepidation. She said; ‘Dave I personally saw something in you the very first time I looked at you. I felt drawn to you like someone I’d known all my life. Is that such a bad thing? I’m a very lonely woman here in this resort and my father is a very controlling figure as you have probably already noticed.�?BR>‘Yes Val, I read people because it‘s my job to do so.�?He said being quite discreet. ‘I have the feeling though that somehow your family knows something of the case I’m on and thus they’re helping me to help themselves. Does this make any sense to you?�?He just felt so terrible about thinking of her mixed up in the whole seamy affair, made his feelings towards her feel grimy. ‘Listen I need to make a phone call if you don’t mind? I’ll meet you back inside alright. Thanks for the talk and being honest with me and just for the record, I too felt something for you.�?She kissed him and turned around to go back inside turned and said, ‘Dave please don’t think the worst of us.�?He nodded.
He had noticed a pay phone outside the building and felt he needed to talk to Jimmy and get Tiger down there. Tiger was their muscle and he would help Dave out of anything, going as far as to risk his life. His old man had helped him out years back and gave him a job and a place to stay while he got on his feet. So Tiger had a huge amount of respect for the McKenna’s and would do anything they had asked him to. He heard the click of the phone and his brothers voice ‘Hello Jimmy McKenna speaking.�?‘Jimmy get Tigers butt down here pronto, cause I think the shit’s gonna hit the fan. OK! Did you find anything else about that Watson character?�?
‘Not a thing Dave, I’m sorry to say but I’ve still got a tail on him and so we know his every move. I’ll send down Tiger as soon as he can get a flight.�?BR>‘Jimmy listen up, I’m staying at the Hotel Royal and if he can’t find me, my room is 104. Tell him if I’m not there to check with the US consul and then head down for the hoosegow. Cause I have a funny feeling the Chief is going to
have a little visit with me. Ok! Talk soon and don’t trust that damn line at the hotel, it’s more than likely bugged.�?/P>

 Dave went back inside and sitting at the table with Val and her father and brother was a heavy set man who looked an awful lot like police. His guess, the Chief of Police was there to pay him a visit�?




MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 6/16/2004 11:53 PM 

Club Calypso

Questions & An Answer

When Dave got back to the table, Val’s father got up and introduced him to the heavy set man sitting at the table with them as Chief of Police Garcia. The Chief then informed Dave that he would be held over night in the jail for questioning in the death of a certain Juan Morales�?. Dave informed the Chief that he had already answered all their questions and he was merely acting in self defense. ‘Doesn’t matter Senor�?McKenna there’s been new evidence linked to this case,�?he replied, ‘and he would cooperate or be held for resisting arrest.�?

‘What am I being arrested for?�?/P>

‘You are being held for the murder of Juan Morales�?he smirked. He knew good and well this was a shut and close case and if there were to be any charges he should have the right to an attorney but guess what this was Mexico. ‘This isn’t the United States Senor�?McKenna.�?‘Yes I’m well aware of that.�?But I have fully cooperated in this investigation and if any of the witnesses are to be believed you’d know that I was shooting back in self defense after being shot at.�?

‘I’m very sorry Senor�? but some new evidence has arisen.�?/P>

Davy could see that Mr. Esperanza was highly amused and he thought, he’s the one behind this just to give me a little muscle and I will see things his way. Well the only thing he could hope for was Tiger got his butt down here and talked to the US consol. He knew that any other way they would hold him for trial which down here could be a long time and not something to take lightly. He noticed Val crying and whispering in her fathers ear, but he kept shaking his head back and forth and throwing his hands in the air. So Dave knew that he wouldn’t be getting any help from them.
Not another one of those nights he thought, God what have I gotten myself into here, he thought. He was searched and they found his other gun and he was handcuffed and taken from the club into the night. It was again a hot and sultry evening and he could smell the salt in the sea. He wondered if he would ever see the beach again and if he would see his brother, he had a bad feeling. The heavy set man who called himself Chief of Police looked an awful malevolent to Dave and he wondered when the torture would start, but he was sure that Tiger would get his butt out of there. He was roughly thrown into a holding area with a group of Mexican prisoners who looked at him menacingly and he wondered who he’d have to fight. Probably all of them he thought. Oh well I’m screwed either way at the mercy of the prisoners or the police come morning. For now the big thing was just to stay awake and watch his back. He did know how to defend himself in hand to hand and he also could fight more than one if it was necessary. But there were at least twelve or thirteen of them, some drunk and some that seemed to have a purpose. He wasn’t sure if he was their purpose or not. He felt like such a fool and he thought about the girl and the look on her face when he was taken away was one of fright and care for him. He thought well I meet a girl, she’s beautiful and I could fall in love if I already haven’t and then I’m killed. He almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of it. Out of the blue the jailer appeared and he was whisked roughly into another holding area looking very much like where he had been admitted, finger printed and answered some questions. So perhaps they were moving him into another area, he just wasn’t sure of anything except there must be an answer here... 

MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 7/9/2004 9:26 PM 

Love of An Angel 

Suddenly the beautiful Val appeared and they released him to her. He knew now she was truly an angel and she was so very special, he had definately fallen for her. He grabbed her hand and reached out to her and she smiled and said, ‘Come on Davy and let’s go get some rest, it seems you’re always into something.�?She laughed and shook her head, her long dark hair fell upon her face and he just loved her even more. He put his arm around her, they walked out to the car and she said ‘Oh Davy, I’m so sorry my father is such a cruel man, but we will try and talk reason to him. I wish you would allow me to comfort and soothe you after your ordeal, I was so worried. I could not leave you there for a minute. You and I shall run off together if we must.�?nbsp; ‘Fine by me you sweet beauty, you are my angel.�?Dave smiled and kissed her upon the lips, they crawled into the car together and she told the driver ‘You know where to take us.�?Dave thought oh God she is serious and hell I can’t resist her.
They suddenly were traveling on a country road of dust and they had went a long ways when they came upon a small house with palm trees all about it and it felt good to him. He knew she would stand by him no matter what, but of course he had to get a hold of Tiger tomorrow and let him know their plan of attack, until then he was at the mercy of this beautiful lady who for obvious reasons appealed to him much more than the Chief of Police, he had to laugh. He just couldn’t look at her without a sense of longing overcoming him. She held him close as they walked to the door of the house, he took in a deep breath and she switched on a light and it was very comfortable inside. He could see this was more than likely her place of sanctuary and she led him into her bedroom, it smelled of her. He just breathed her in and she was the sweetest air he ever inhaled. He held her tightly, they kissed passionately and he wanted it to last forever
The sun was rising over the mountains to the east and it was getting light outside, he could smell the sea breeze and see a long sandy beach stretch towards the ocean and in both directions there was not a soul to be seen. He had longed just to rest upon the shore and listen to the waves roll in and that was exactly what he was going to do today. He had to relieve his mind and he needed to think. He wondered if Jimmy had been trying to get a hold of him and he also wondered when Tiger would arrive. Well everything in good time he thought. He noticed she had slipped into a bathing suit and it was well revealing would be an understatement. What a beauty she was, he asked her if she had any idea about his baggage and yes she said I have brought it here. So he walked into the bathroom and slipped off his clothing. He took a long shower and changed into his bathing suit. He walked out into the cool sea shore and there lie Val upon a blanket looking every bit as voluptuous as he thought she would. He lie down beside her and kissed her on the mouth. She returned his kiss and said ‘Dave, you just relax and forget the world here. This is my private beach house and I come here to escape my father, my brothers, the world at large. I wanted to share this with you!�?He started to ask her if she had reasons to believe he would be terrorized at the police station and what her father had against him. She put her hand to his lips and said, ‘No questions now or here Dave. We will discuss this all later after we have your head straightened out. He thought yeah my head needs some straightening  as in straight talk, but he couldn’t resist her as she put her lips upon his. She was so warm and beautiful, he felt as if he were in a dream. He kissed her deeply and lie back looking into the sea. It felt so overwhelming and he could really think of nowhere he had rather be. Shortly he fell asleep and for how long he didn’t know but the sun was high in the sky now and he looked about trying to get his bearings. Val wasn’t on the beach now with him and damn if the car wasn’t gone too. He went inside and there on the table lay a note, it read; Dave, I had to go into town for a few things I shall return there are some sandwiches in the fridge and plenty of fruit on the table here. Please help yourself. There is also a bar on the other side of the living area there, fully stocked so please help yourself. You will be safe here and I hope you will relax and make yourself comfortable. Dave looked about for a telephone and never could find one.

MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 7/12/2004 4:03 PM 
Club Calypso

Dave gets his ducks in a row
He was finally thinking a little clearer, the blow to his head had really messed him up. He knew that he couldn’t stay another night. They would be looking for him and truthfully he didn’t even know what Val’s motives were. He had a lot of questions and they couldn’t be answered here without freedom to move about. He needed to contact Tiger and he needed to get a hold of Jimmy. He knew Tiger was probably already there or on the way. He felt like he finally had his head straight. Val would just have to get over it. He had to know what her true feelings were and he wasn’t even sure about his own now. So he ate some sandwiches, there was beer in the fridge in which he helped himself and he thought she did it to me again, left me hanging. Damn, what was he gonna do about her? He couldn’t help but adore her, she was always looking out for him and in a way she was like an angel watching over him. He heard a car drive up and out walked Val and she smiled and said ‘Oh Davy, I have you all to myself now�?laughing she kissed him and they embraced; ‘Doll, what am I gonna do with you?�?‘No Davy what am I gonna do with you,�?she replied.
They lie upon the beach watching the sun move slowly downward and he touched her lightly rubbing her back. He thought oh how much he’d love to touch her entire body and just consume her. She kissed him fully on the lips and they lie like that together for a long while, like slow torture, Dave thought. He wondered what it would be like to have her beside him when they awoke in the morning, maybe he would find out. The sun slowly set beneath the waves in a beautiful pink and orange hue, it could last forever in his mind and he would never tire of it. He had worked so hard all his life and he just couldn’t help but wonder if this could be the one for him. Finally someone to hold and cherish, he thought wistfully Something in the back of his head though kept coming into focus and he tried to push it back. ‘Val did you plan on spending the night here?�?he asked doubtful. that he could be safe. She winked and smiled ‘Yes Dave, today is my day off and they’re not going to come looking for me if I don’t show at the club, but we must think about getting away from this house in the morning. You cannot stay here, it won’t be safe for long.�?
‘Well Val I'm sorry but I think that you should take me to the airport here in town right no. I don't believe I'm safe here.'  So I can either catch a plane out or get out somehow, he was thinking now that he wasn’t safe with anyone here. ‘Val I need to get away from everyone I’ve had contact here in El Dorado and that means you and your family. I’m sorry it has to be this way and I’m very grateful for all you’ve done. I will be in touch with you after I’ve got things straightened out, until then I have business to attend to and I’m finally thinking clearly. I know that they’ve put two and two together and they know wherever you are I am, so we must separate.�?
Val was crying at this point but either she was a great actress or she really did care for him. He wasn’t sure of anything at this point, only that he had to get somewhere to move about and use the telephone. He desperately needed to talk to Jimmy and he knew that Tiger would be searching for him too. ‘Dave you don’t want to stay here with me tonight?�?She was crying on his shoulder now and he felt bad but he had finally got his ducks in a row. ‘Val, as soon as I know where I can be safe and out of the grasp of the Chief and whoever else wants me dead, I will contact you, I promise.�?nbsp; Hell she could be a spy for her father or brothers and whatever their part in this whole scheme he wasn’t sure, but this had to be something to do with that old bastard Watson and his wife, she wasn’t missing of that he was sure, she was in the middle of some kind of business dealing and he was going to find out what.
‘Dave.�?Val called out, ‘I see a car coming and I believe it’s my brothers.�?BR>Great he thought, just great. Now what?
MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 7/31/2004 4:39 PM 
Club Calypso
Tiger by the Tail
 Tiger boarded his plane for El Dorado the next morning after Jimmy had talked to Dave. He knew one thing and one thing only, Dave needed some backup. No problem, he thought. He looked at Jimmy and Dave as brothers and family. So anything thye might ask of him was just the way it was going to be. Jimmy had told him about Dave’s being shot and how he had been hit over the head, so he knew someone knew they were coming after the dame and they wanted to eliminate them. Why or how they could have known was a mystery. Jimmy just said; ‘Dave’s fine, just a shoulder wound, but I’m worried that he’s gonna get his butt killed Tiger.�?So here I come he thought. ‘The less you know is probably for the best  cause Dave will fill you in when you get there just hole up and lie low.�?Tiger had seen these situations all his grown life and this was nothing new so he sat back, relaxed picked up a brochure that read El Dorado, a resort for adults. He laughed out loud thinking of Dave lying in the sun with some beauty, he looked around wondering if anyone had heard him. Oh well, it was funny and typical of this type of work. All work and no play makes Dave a dull boy he thought laughing inside his head.
 The stewardess walked by and Tiger said; ‘hey honey could you bring me a Tequila Sunrise.�?he chuckled. ‘Sure just a second sir. I’ll be right back.�?she replied in a sultry voice. Damn, Tiger thought where do they get these ladies. He got his sunrise and the song by the Eagles popped into his head.  It’s another tequila sunrise, he listend to the music in his head and the lyrics stuck in his head as he sipped his drink, nodding into dream land.
 “Starin�?slowly ’cross the sky, said goodbye He was just a hired hand Workin�?on the dreams he planned to try The days go by Ev’ry night when the sun goes down Just another lonely boy in town And she’s out runnin�?nbsp; round �?/DIV>
He had nodded off and when he awoke the plane was touching down at El Dorado. He thought that was quick but he had a nice nap and felt refreshed. He got off the plane and grabbed his bag and headed down the corridor, looking about, he felt a little anxiety. He wondered if Dave would be around to pick him up but knew after what Jimmy had said that probably wouldn’t happen and the worst case scenario was Dave was in jail. They couldn’t possibly know who he was could they? he asked himself. Who were they and why in the hell did someone take a shot at Dave? Hell lots of questions and nothing really to stand on as far as facts. But such was this line of work! He thought about when he, Dave and Jimmy were growing up like brothers, they had treated him that way. He was forever grateful and felt a lot of love for them. He was worried about this whole thing. It just felt different in some way, perhaps bigger than he was able to comprehend, but he knew Dave well enough to know that he would get a handle on things. Suddenly two men appeared behind him, he felt an object stick in his back and knew it was a gun. He heard a voice say to him ‘Senor if you will just come along peacefully nothing will happen to you.�?
Ah that was reassuring, now he knew something was wrong, they knew him somehow and Dave had to be in trouble. These bastards knew what he looked like and no wonder they had took a shot at Dave. He wished now he could get his hands on that old son of a bitch Watson. Did he betray them? Who else? What did they know and why? Well what could he do but go along. Then what if, crossed his mind.
MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 8/21/2004 3:07 AM 
Club Calypso
Tiger & Davie Reunite
Dave was waiting on the deck in the back of the house. He had a drink and a beer infront of him. He heard the car doors and then it drove off up the lane, the gravel popping the fenders. He thought well they didn’t come for me, he supposed just checking on Val and to see if he was there. Then the glass door slid open and out walked Val with a heavy set Mexican man behind her, he saw that it was Tiger. Damn! ‘Tiger, what the hell are you doing here?, Dave blurted out, ah hell man come here.�?They hugged and patted each other on the back. Tiger said ‘Well Jimmy said to lay low but I guess I couldn’t get low enough, they nabbed me before I even got out of the airport. Hell Dave, they know every move we’re making, even before we make it!�?BR>‘Well Tiger, I think we have a spy or an informant and they’ve got to be linked to the old man Watson in some way, who else knew we had been hired to find his wife? So, I’m thinking we need to relocate and get our act together. We’ll talk about it and plus I need to call Jimmy and see what he’s got.�?BR>‘Dave, while you and Tiger are visiting I’m going to fix us something to eat, I should be able to come up with something or other, Val laughed, �?I do want to tell you this much though, I do know that Mr. Watson has been a guest here in El Dorado of my fathers, so I believe they’ve had some business connections, not sure what though because I’m not privy to that information. My job is to dance and entertain the guests, make them feel comfortable and relaxed. I’m not a whore though so don’t get that idea, there are plenty of those at the night club, strip joints etc. So if you’ll excuse me I will call you when our dinner is ready.�?She leaned over and gave Dave a kiss on the cheek. Dave grabbed her and gave her a deep kiss and whispered in her ear, ‘Darling I never thought you were a whore. OK!�?
After Val had walked back in the house she leaned out the door and said ‘How rude of me, Senor Tiger would you care for a drink or a beer?�?Dave replied, ‘It’s ok baby, I’ll fix my man a drink here and if he’s like me he needs a little chaser too. Dave walked into the house and fixed Tiger a Tequila Sunrise, (this is Mexico)  and grabbed him a cold Corona. He winked at Val in the kitchen and walked back out onto the deck and said, ‘Relax brother, this is no problem. Did you get your bags and everything? Cause we’re gonna be needing them tomorrow, we are heading down the coast to Mazatlan just to get our bearings and be able to move about without the “Esperanza�?family looking over our shoulder, but I don’t doubt the clout that they wield here in Mexico.�?‘No problem Dave, you’re the boss and I’ll just follow your lead, Tiger smiled; That is one fine looking woman though Dave, you dog you!�?He laughed and shook his head. ‘Dave, how the hell are we ever going to find the Watson woman? Jimmy said she was probably mixed up somehow with one of old man Watson’s business associates and with what we’re beginning to see, the old man must be mixed up with the ‘Esperanza�?family. He’d heard that Watson and Esperanza had been known to have associations of some kind. So you know Jimmy is cracking it back there, we need to get a hold of him, Dave. He’s gonna be worried out of his mind when he doesn’t hear from either one of us.�?BR>‘Yeah, I know he’s wondering what in hell is going on. So we’ll get a ride out of here in the morning and see if we can get a handle on this situation. It’s got me stumped but I have some theories. Hell, you don’t want to hear them, and if we don’t find his wife, well too damn bad.�?/DIV>
MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 9/25/2004 1:43 AM 

Club Calypso

French Croquet

‘Dave I need to talk to you,�?Val called out.

‘Yes Val, what is it?�?Dave got up and stepped into the kitchen and Val whispered in his ear, ‘I just about have your dinner Dave, I hope you guys will like what I fixed. Oh and Dave I want you so bad,�?she laughed and kissed him on the lips with all of her passion. Dave kissed her back deeply and held her for a moment. ‘Val, I must say something smells good, so I’m sure Tiger and I will enjoy. But I could think of other things right about now I could enjoy.�?He laughed and kissed her again on the lips, getting a little taste with his tongue. ‘Hmmmm you sure taste good, now honey after we eat, we will taste each other and you won’t even have to add any salt to me.�?He laughed hard and put his arms around her waist. She said, ‘Dave call your associate and tell him dinner is almost ready.�?/P>

After they had eaten Tiger said, ‘Where do I sleep Miss Val?�?She showed him the guest room and he grabbed his bag and said, ‘Good night Val and thanks for dinner, but I’m beat and I need some sleep. Goodnight Dave!�?/P>

Val and Dave did the dishes and then she said, ‘Dave please follow me.�?She smiled seductively and Dave was right behind her. ‘I’m right behind you baby,�?he grabbed her hips and pulled her close to him She swayed to and fro like the dancer she was. A night of love was in the making, Dave thought. Finally! She slipped her dress off and he helped her by undoing her bra and pulling down her slip. She wrapped her arms around him and found he was ready as she was for love. He held her close and kissed her fully on the lips, they played a little French croquet with their tongues and Dave begin to work his way down her breasts licking her nipples until they became hard. He kissed and suckled them as she moaned and swayed, she was the dancer now and he was the dance. He grabbed her hips working slowly down to her belly button where he worked his tongue about until she writhed with anticipation. She wiggled and kissed him on the chest and grabbed his manhood in its full glory. He pulled her panties down to her ankles and she kicked them off. She was ready for him Now! She said ‘Oh Dave please take me.�?He worked his way back up to her breasts and suckled them as their hips met and they did the tango in a rhythm she’d never forget. He whispered softly just before he lost his control, ‘Val you are so beautiful�? ‘Oh Dave please come now.�?They lay in orgasmic ecstasy�?.


<o:p> </o:p>

MSN NicknameWizeMuse
View the details of this row. 2/3/2005 1:35 AM 

Club Calypso


The Girl from El Dorado


She looks out theglass panels towards the beach. The ocean looked inviting so she decided to take a

swim, she put on her bathing suit and headed down to the sand. She looked back at the man in the bed

and thought, I've gotten everything they asked me to so I'm done with this scumbag. She hated having to

have anything to do with him, let alone sleep with him. She got her freedom this way from the old bastard

and a sizable amount of money. She lay back in her chair taking in the warm sun thinking of the first time

down here. She had seduced another man for John and the Esperanzas. She had gotten information out of

him with her considerable talents. This time things were different and they needed to fool the guy with an

elaborate plan that she would become his wife. So they had hired the McKennnas and the whole thing had

worked out as the fellow had saw the shooting and he was led to believe the old man would kill him or have

her dragged back. The truth was when she got the information she would be snapped up by who else but

the P.I. The gentlemen would be taken back to Mexico City and arrange a deal on the goods even though

he had wanted no part of that. It was an elaborate ploy just to seem believable and then bingo the artifact

would disappear unknowingly to him into the hands of the American dealer Watson. All the while her freedom

had been promised along with money. Little did she realize they wanted her dead. She knew way too much and

so when the two men picked her up at the beach, she was to go willingly and that was the last anyone would see of her

She saw them coming towards her, two burly mexican men and wondered if they were the men she was to leave

with when suddenly another man approached her. He was an American and he introduced himself as Dave, she

noticed the other two men and suddenly a short stocky mexican walked up behind the two men and he said

something to them and they had vanished up the beach. Dave knew then she was the lady that had information

that the Esperanzas and old man Watson had wanted, how he wasn't sure but he had his instincts about him.

Tiger had a hold of the two goons and they got down into the boat he and Dave had rented where Tiger disarmed them

and tied them up. Dave had known right away they were up to no good, armed and all. So he told Tiger theres our first clue.

Dave was a sharp investigator and a sharp man.

Dave said to the lady "I noticed you here all alone on the beach and thought perhaps you could use some

company." She had made the phone call this morning to Mr. Esperanza and she had expected two men to pick

her up. "Well it took you long enough!' She said as if she were put out. "The bastard is gonna be awake here

in a few minutes." Dave knew then his hunch had been right about her and she fit the description that was given

to him before he came down here. He said "Ok where are we going? Cause they've left me in the dark gorgeous."

She laughed and said "Ah, well just get me over to the Esperanzas." So Dave thought I wonder how this is going

to work out. He called out to Tiger. Tiger came to his side and whispered "Tied the goons up Dave, they won't be

bothering anybody for a while, were you right Dave? Was that her?." "Yes Tiger, you know me but I did have a

picture of the woman and she didn't look much different from that. So we're off to the Esperanzas won't they be

surprised and I'm going to call Val just to make sure she's there so we don't get our butts killed, but have your

weapon loaded and ready just in case. Remember too, this lady has information they want, so they're going to be

extra careful not to kill her. We have them now Tiger and we don't even know how." he laughed

He called Val on her cellular and told her what they were up to and where could she meet them. She agreed

with him and he said to Tiger, "Ok we're going to meet Val at the club and then we'll straighten this mess out one way

or the other." The blonde was quiet and thought nothing of the two of them. She just wanted to go on her way.

Which lucky for her that Dave came along or it would have been a trap for her. Dave didn't give a damn one way or

another but he was a decent fellow. He was getting rather tired of their lies and deciet. He normally would have

walked away from this mess but he had got mixed up with Val. So there it was, probably his downfall, but the hell

with it he wanted the lady. Foolish or not.

MSN NicknameWizeMuse