 | | From:  Sassy_Catt (Original Message) | Sent: 1/1/2007 8:14 AM |
I thought it might be nice to start a sign in page, everytime you come to visit, please say hello. *S*
Snow Flakes
Snow Flakes White and downy Drift softly from the night sky Coat trees and earth in your mantle Irridescent prisms written by S. Cat ~ Webset Design by SassyGraphics ~ | | | | | | | | | | |
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 | | From: Anita | Sent: 1/2/2007 1:23 AM |
This is beautiful Sassy! Anita  |
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Thanks Anita, but it's an old poem on my website, but it fits the January theme, even though we don't have a bit of snow here! LOL  The only new part was the January sign in at the top! Nice to see you, sorry I missed you last night, but I went to bed just after 7pm. |
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Too cute Sassy I love it... hugs, pooh
An Angels love, like a quiet summer day, is as uncomplicated as breathing in and out... May there Always be an Angel in your Pocket... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com |
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I think it's a totally wonderful idea... I am around, been reading... just been silent for so very long... hoping things will once again start to flow... hugs, pooh
An Angels love, like a quiet summer day, is as uncomplicated as breathing in and out... May there Always be an Angel in your Pocket... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com |
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Just got my puter back. Hey C.J. How are you, Char |
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Hi Char, Computers huh? Good to see you back. I'm doing alright, got to go to University hospital next week. Tests and all that good stuff but I'm hanging in there and staying positive. Talk soon I hope! I think we need to set up a chat here at Spirit so we can get together. See how it goes next week and I'll know more about my schedule. Hugs Dale |
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Unfortunately back in late fall, MSN removed all chat rooms from groups Dale! We don't have them anymore.  |
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Sass-Why in the world would they do that? Oh well such is life...eh...nothing of any sort surprises me in my (ahem) older age. Hugs Dale |
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They did it because of a pedophile issue........... apparently there was more then just the groups in chat rooms, but in order to close down the MSN chat rooms, they had to remove the all the chat program from their servers. Yahoo did this a few years ago in their groups, for the same reason. |
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Sass It's too bad there has to be these pervs that always screw things up but such is the way. Hugs Dale |
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