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(3 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameiampooh2  (Original Message)Sent: 7/25/2007 9:25 PM
Any guy can mess around, it takes a real man to find a girl and stick with her.

Any guy can call you sexy, hot, and all that.. it takes a real man to call you beautiful.

Any guy can call you in tears begging you to take him back, it takes a real man to not have a reason to be in those tears.

Any guy can say I love you, it takes a real man to say it and mean it even if all of his guy friends are standing around.

Any guy can drive over to your house to hang out with you, it takes a real man to show up unexpected with your favorite food or movie in his hand.

Any guy can throw back a beer or two, it takes a real man to grab a coke instead knowing he shouldn't do it if you're not around.

Any guy can have sex with a girl, it takes a real man to wait.

Any guy can be with you on the best days when everything is ok, it takes a real man to stay by your side for weeks if thats what it takes when it feels like your world is falling apart!

Any guy can talk noise with his friends when a sexy girl walks by, it takes a real man to look the other way.

Any guy can be sweet and true to your face, it takes a real man to stay sweet and true when you're gone.

Any guy can give you a hug, it takes a real man to just hold you.

Any guy can mess around with a girl when she's laying beside him, it takes a real man to just lay there.

Any guy can answer the phone when he knows you're having a bad day, it takes a real man to call you throughout the day just to make sure you're ok!

Any guy can hit reply to a text msg, it takes a real guy to be the person who sends a msg first!

Any guy can read this message and swear to themselves that this is them, it takes a real man to actually do these things.


An Angels love, like a quiet summer day, is as uncomplicated as breathing in and out...
May there Always be an Angel in your Pocket...

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