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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  (Original Message)Sent: 5/22/2007 11:11 AM
There have been a lot of changes in MSN recently and you want to be very careful about posting anything with graphics or webset backgrounds.  Do not HOTLINK to background tiles or to pics.  MSN is going through, group by group and deleting groups found guilty of this.
This group should be ok Dale, because I learned how to do the graphics properly before I started posting here. 
Sorry I haven't been around, but I've been silent in almost all my groups I rarely even come on the computer now.  It seems to have turned into Courtney's computer as she does a lot of artwork and she's gaining fans by the day. 
A year ago, 
She had less than 150 home pageviews and her 15 works of art were viewed less than 300 times.  She watched 17 people, while about 22 people watched her.
This is the stats as of right now! (Very proud Mom here)

She has 97,796 home pageviews total and her 100 works of art  were viewed 477,411 times. She watches 38 people, while 1,186 people watch her.

So with those kind of numbers, I just let her go to it and use the comp! LOL

Sassy *S*  

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     re: MSN Changes   MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  5/22/2007 11:25 AM
     re: MSN Changes   Anita  5/23/2007 5:30 AM
     re: MSN Changes   MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  5/23/2007 2:35 PM