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"Greetings" : Jesus loves you Santa
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: Anita  (Original Message)Sent: 12/4/2007 4:41 AM




Jesus loves you Santa


Merry Christmas Santa!

Jesus loves you too.

For you love little children

As He said we should do.


You bring Joy to everyone

All throughout the land.

Jesus loves you Santa.

He holds you in His hand.


He said,"Let the children

Come and be with me.

As you do to the least of them,

So you do to me."


So Merry Christmas Santa,

Jesus loves you so.

You have our Lords' blessing

As through the night you go.


And on Christmas morning

When the Joy of Christmas glows;

Jesus loves you Santa

More than you will ever know!


copyright December,2007

anita callender