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Phrase Challenge : Phrase Challenge - Week 1 - Aug 15/05
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(2 recommendations so far) Message 9 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSMEditor2  in response to Message 1Sent: 8/21/2005 10:59 PM
Ok, I got permission from Tinka that it was ok to move this to the challenge thread.

"Beyond Horizon Of Love"

I walk up to the edge
Of the river bank
Calm waters where I stand
Sunbeam of the twilight sky
Playful on the waterside

In this tender moment of desperation
To last no longer than a few seconds
The blink of the eye and you're gone
Waters of heart not calm
Disturbed by the wind of emotions

Oh! How cold is this wind
So bleak and wild within
Beyond the Horizon
Black figures gone
Restless sunbeams in my mind

Then out of the darkness I hear
The call of the fish eagle’s say
The call of a dove below
In the wind of the night
All calm now gone to rest

Nostalgia enter my soul
Horizons away you are
In wide open space
Quiet you are my love
And heavens apart we are

Scared and so alone I am tonight my love
Here by the river edge of loneliness withn
Drowning myself in tears of fear
Alone again
Beyond Horizon of love

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