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Poetry - General : Light of Love
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(3 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuse  (Original Message)Sent: 4/23/2007 6:14 PM
Light is Love

we dream of heaven
wishing to forget hell
fraught with fear & lies

we stumble blindly in our dreams
we created them
the dream of society
we are domesticated
lost at any cost

remember the light
in your soul
deep inside your love dream

the strings of light
stretch across the universe
we ride when we're complete

passionately we live
when we see the light
within our souls

each and everyone is touched
that light cannot fade
the clouds, we create, aren't real
they're dreams of life
we control

Tears fall from the sky
cleansing black hearts
wipe away their fears

join in the flight
only love can guide
our creation of light

we learn the lines
traveling in our dreams
nobody can contain us
nothing can confuse us
as our light grows strong

the universal truth
is to ride without fear
in search of God
the brightest light
our hearts soar

it stirs our soul
flying in harmony
bringing us home
stars light our way
a new star is born

we dream of heaven
touched by the creator
filled with the light of love

(c)Dale Clark

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameiampooh2Sent: 4/24/2007 7:56 PM
I love this Dale... it is amazing... beautiful... and so true...
hugs, pooh

An Angels love, like a quiet summer day, is as uncomplicated as breathing in and out...
May there Always be an Angel in your Pocket...

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