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Poetry - General : The Pavillion
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(2 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemariemuses  (Original Message)Sent: 7/2/2007 12:05 AM
The voices inside
Sputter and hiss
As they whisper,
"You can't escape your destiny."
~ zzt ~
"You belong to the devil."
~ zzt ~
"You must kill."
Within the haze
Of static sounds of noise
And pieces blurry images
Mix together like a klaidescope
A lone voice wails a protest
I will not listen to you!
I am a decent, goodly person. 
Burying my face
In my hands
I sob uncontrollably
The good person I am
Could never be evil,
I would never
Hurt, maim or kill
But still these demons,
Emotions, passions,
Needs and desires
Ravage me as
They battle to possess me
And I struggle
To retain the tenuous control
On the person I know
Who essence resonates in
Goodness and Light.
Yet, these feelings
Of anger, dread, malice
Shriek, rant and rage
Rebelling against
Every fiber of my being
So much so
It's tearing me in two.
If I could
Just get out

I could find
The real me.
I want the
Turmoil to be gone.
I don't know why
They keep me
In The Pavillion
They say I have
A problem with
Multiple personalities.
I don't know
What's gotten into their heads
But I know
Who I am
And I won't get
Any better sitting
In my chair
Staring at these
Same four plain white walls
Every day, and
Once again I'm
Closed me in
With the silent madness
As the steel door swings
Shut with a heavy clang.

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