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Poetry - General : Land of Sadness
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(4 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuse  (Original Message)Sent: 7/6/2007 10:24 PM
Land of Sadness

Ghost horses drink from the creek
A herd of wild mustangs,
stop to drink,
their shared soul is liquid

The wise elk-dogs see the people need them
as the ghost horses fly,
The living wise ones, left behind,
wish to help the real people

When the buffalo were plenty
These nomadic people followed the herds,
for their survival,
using all they took,
honoring the great beasts
with ceremonies and prayers

The elk-dog (horse) was happy
The people had their needs filled
They could bring down the buffalo
with the help and speed of the elk-dogs

When the white man came
with their lies,
their false promises,
the treaties they broke

The people could not understand
asking the "Creator"... Why?

These white eyes conquered the people
by destroying the buffalo,
It was a massive slaughter
leaving the meat to rot

The people cried

These white liars brought their false reality,
their religion they didn't follow
It made no sense to the human beings,
it seemed a false thing
The foreign beings forced the native children
into their schools of lies,
their churches of fools

These foreigners claimed the land
where the real people lived,
believing no man could own,
were now taken from them

The elders taught the people
No man could own the earth,
the sky, the rivers, the great seas
Thinking that was bad medicine

There was a land
where the real people lived,
one day they disappeared,
some died in the fight,
some died of fright,
thinking it the end of time
some say into the land,
some say into the sky

Traveling the lines of power
only those with sight
could see
Energy of the powerful

The Warriors of Intent
learned the wisdom,
upon the power points,
which dot the universe

They transcended time and space,
teaching the human beings
the power of sight
Everything in the hands of light

The light that is love
which mankind no longer can see
only their programmed reality
The real people mourn for this earth

Those who are left will return
the land to the mother,
the sky to the father,
It has been seen, It has been foretold

Those with the power of sight
have seen this as truth
One day they will live again
in harmony with the mother and the father

A life of honor
in the light of love
The "Creators" light
to guide them by

(c) Dale Clark

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 7/7/2007 3:41 AM
This is so sad Dale, but as usual full of the most vivid imagery! You know I love your work.

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemariemusesSent: 7/7/2007 6:04 AM
this poem makes you stop and think about diversity and how the majority (white man) did what they did because they thought the Indians were barbarians. This theme is laced in our history and we talked about such thing in my Teaching the Multicultural Heritage of the Southwest in fall 2006. There are several voices in history not being heard. Thanks for giving voice to one of the silent masses. Excellent write.

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 7/7/2007 6:11 PM
Very vivid portrayal of the duplicity that was practiced on these original settlers.   It's shameful the things done to the natives in both our countries.  Great piece of writing Dale!
Sassy *S*

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 7/10/2007 2:28 PM
HI Sassy
Thanks for your kind words and I've missed
you. One of these days we'll converse, right? lol
Ok well I know how it goes so never fear. I'll
respect you in the morning. LOL Sorry! couldn't
resist the little joke.

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 7/10/2007 2:46 PM
Oh I missed you guys too, Anita, Marie.
Didn't see your posts right away. Thanks
so much for the reviews. Yeah I've been
doing a lot of reading about Native Americans
and it has got me thinking. We were never
taught the truth in school and this country
is run by greedy, money hungry fools. Too bad
I think, but what can we do. Vote? like for who.

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