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Poetry - General : Power of Healing
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(2 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuse  (Original Message)Sent: 1/15/2008 9:15 PM
Power of Healing

Your words, thoughts, emotions
are prayers
Power of Healing

The energy of life
is light
which you cannot see
without heightened awareness
observe the globe within
its florescent glow
you feel it flow
into your heart and soul
healing it grows

The energy of awareness
serene is love
calming the absurd rationality
lies that poisons love
only by connection
can you rid the lies
you tell yourself

You are your dream
feel it free your spirit
from pain and anxiety

The healing is Love
within and without you
stand tall in this happiness

You will attain mastery
of body and mind

An angel speaks
listen to her light
It's the mastery of prayer
Power of Healing

(c) Dale Clark

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 1/16/2008 4:48 AM
Very profound Dale and beautiful!
It is so good to see you posting. How are you? Sure hope all is well.

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 1/21/2008 9:49 PM
Hi Anita,
Miss talking, have you talked to Sassy?
Yeah, I went through one hell of an ordeal.
50 days in three mo. in hospital, nearly died
three times but I'm doing much better now,
new liver is doing great so...Suffering I know
all too well LOL dang...
Hugs & Love

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 1/22/2008 5:18 AM
I haven't talked to Sassy lately. It is hard to when she works nights and I work days.I wondered if you were going through the transplant when I didn't see you on much. I spoke to my ex and he had a transplant about 3 years ago and he is doing fine so am sure you will continue to feel better and better. That is good news.
I miss talking to everybody too Dale,
Love Nita

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSimpleDipSent: 1/24/2008 12:57 AM
You are your dream
feel it free your spirit
from pain and anxiety

The healing is Love
within and without you
stand tall in this happiness

You will attain mastery
of body and mind  ...
Speedy recovery Dale.

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