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All Message Boards : La Llorna (The Weeping Woman)
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemariemuses  (Original Message)Sent: 4/6/2008 5:18 AM

Note: This is the story of La Llorna (The Weeping Women). It's a distinctly New Mexican tale. I have heard it a couple of times, but I'm not sure I've told it right. I did add my own moral to this.


Out of the blurry, hazy mists
She rises.
Her eyes filled with tears,
Her lips constantly
Uttering tormented, lamentous cries
About her lost babes --
Babes drown in the river
By her own hands.
For her crimes
An eternity
She spends
Walking along the river
Wailing and weeping
For her beloved children.
Now that you know
The story of
La Llorna
Take heed:
Love and care
For all children,
Regardless of age,
For they are
Among life's truest treasures.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 4/9/2008 7:03 PM
I've heard this before and once we had a mt. lion
nearby our farm and the scream was frightening.