 | | From:  Old_andy2 (Original Message) | Sent: 9/3/2007 3:46 PM |
I have moved the reverend's thread here, after all, a seperate church and state is part of the constitution, and so prayer should be seperate from political discussion. Carry on. <NOBR> First </NOBR> <NOBR> Previous </NOBR> <NOBR>10-24 of 24 </NOBR> <NOBR>Next </NOBR> <NOBR>Last </NOBR> <NOBR> Delete Replies </NOBR> | Reply
 | | Hiya Andy,, actually I'm sitting at the pool as I type,, lol.. here ya go ,, splash splash   | | Reply
 | | Then you are truly Baptized rumble!!  | | Reply
 | | Mebbe we should write a book and make a bundle...DC and Gunny would buy it!!  | | Reply
 | | andy,, now that is the best thing I have heard in this group since I joined !!!!!!  | | Reply
 | | Let us pray. God, who led the children of Israel dry-shod through the sea, and showed the way to the three Magi by the guidance of a star; grant us, we pray, a happy journey and peaceful days, so that, with Your holy angel as our guide, we may safely reach our destination and finally come to the haven of everlasting salvation. God, who led Your servant, Abraham, out of Ur of the Chaldeans, and kept him safe in all his wanderings; may it please You, we pray, also to watch over us, Your servants. Be to us, Lord, a help in our preparations, comfort on the way, shade in the heat, shelter in the rain and cold, a carriage in tiredness, a shield in adversity, a staff in insecurity, a haven in accident; so that under Your guidance we may happily reach our destination, and finally return safe to our homes. Lord, we beg You to hear our request that You guide the steps of Your servants along the path of well-being that comes from You, and that in the midst of this fickle world we may always live under Your protection. Grant, we pray, O Almighty God, that Your party of travellers find a safe route; and heeding the admonitions of blessed John, the precursor, come finally to Him whom John foretold, Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. | | Reply
 | | You rely on God, I'l rely on OnStar.  Bob | | |
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 | | Bob, My Chevy is too old for GPS........always use a taxi from the pub | | Reply
 | | #15 was deep.....I'll have to ponder on that  | | Reply
 | | Sooner, are you saying it's getting deep in here? You may be right. LOL | | Reply
 | | From: Yaela | Sent: 03/09/2007 06:02 | I liked msg 15......with some good rock music accompanying the words, that could be cool..... | | Reply
 | | I think message 15 was cool,, very cool  | | Reply
 | | I ask for further blessings here, and in your homes........ Let us pray. God the Father almighty, we fervently implore You for the sake of this home and its occupants and possessions, that You may bless and sanctify them, enriching them by Your kindness in every way possible. Pour out on them, Lord, heavenly dew in good measure, as well as an abundance of earthly needs. Mercifully listen to their prayers, and grant that their desires be fulfilled. At our lowly coming be pleased to bless and sanctify this home, as You once were pleased to bless the home of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Within these walls let Your angels of light preside and stand watch over those who live here; through Christ our Lord. Amen. | | Reply
 | | Screw that Egyptian whore and her offspring! | | Reply
 | | Gina, would you like to elaborate, or are you suffering from tourette's? | | |
 | 0 recommendations | Message 3 of 5 in Discussion |
This message has been deleted by the author. |
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Hell, #23 was even deeper. You're right Karen...............I think I'm needing some boots right about now  |
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