 | | From:  steve_riggs (Original Message) | Sent: 12/13/2008 10:00 PM |
Your poem "The ideals of youth" were what I had in mind  Moments from the past we may prefer not to recall  So if you would Zy, thanks, and thanks to all those who had a go. Off down the pub or disco for fun Butterfly collar shirt, two buttons undone Velvet pockets on my twelve inch flares Six inch stacks to rise above any cares They stopped the puddles soaking up to your knee What a blinking sight�?ah 1973 Six foot with moustache, younger than you think Send Graham to the bar to get your drink The girls would think they were in with a chance Unluckily Graham could not blinking dance On rare occasions, they would drift our way Usually he managed to scare them away So much for the coach, and horses, on a Saturday night Just get home late, about ten quid light |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/14/2008 12:31 AM |
Aarrgghh...you meanie, Steve, lol, and yes, I do, but thanks for the baton, I will think overnight and come up with something tomorrow as it is so late now, but enjoyed your topic immensely, but then....you all rise so well to anything presented these days, so will try to test you even more  Zy |