 | | From:  Valerie-Jane (Original Message) | Sent: 9/14/2004 5:30 PM |
I've done what I've been told is the cure to being dumped jumped off the edge yet I never seem to land and the love that I had for you is now kind of minced only bloody mushy bits left reminding me of that wrenching pain I put you through my mincer again and again and when I see any poor soul in a British Green fancy cream leather interieur bmw argh I feel like ramming it ! oops Truly I will never set foot in one again damn you and half of my CD collection is cursed my bedroom sigh that must be the worst and when I think of you now Rude words (hand on mouth) pop in my head not like me at all but they say this is good and recovery is well and truly on the way |
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 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 2 of 15 in Discussion |
Well done VJ - don't just get mad - get even! I think you are definitely on the road to recovery - loved this Emma |
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Hi Valerie, I just read my previous comment to you - and it sounds so hard! But you are right to have anger - so long as you always have compassion - for the poor sod who didn't realise what an absolute bargain he had! I hope you are feeling better. Emma |
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lol Emma..........you did sound as if you were getting 'heavily' into the swing of my poem perhaps you know the feelings I am experiencing too...but anyway; I am really not an angry person and the most I manage to do is to leer and snarl in my rear view mirror at any green bmw's and 'think' a few minor rude words in my head when I hear a certain tune, and apparently, according to him, he didn't dump me, just took a life changing decision that I couldn't follow......;argh! Thanks for your support, you are a star....Valerie X |
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Thanks Valerie, I'm actually not an agressive person at all - I tend to go away and lick my wounds in private. Men and their life changing decisions - another word for not facing up! But you know kid - Its not us - its their problem - and boy do they have problems - still I firmly believe (eternal optimist) that there are a few out there who are worth the bother. Its just I can't find a magnifying glass big enough to find one! You'll be ok Valerie. Just keep clear of BMW's Emma |
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lol Emma....when you find one, ask him if he has a brother ok... I have to tell you that after just arriving at work...after taking my son to school in mad traffic........you know he accused me of having road rage !!! lol....and you know what I said to deserve this... as cars were piling up in the middle of a junction with no where to go and blocked my line of traffic from passing !? I said, 'How Selfish' !!! lol, now that is how my son sees the limit of my anger ..... Have a nice day Valerie X |
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Having never driven a BMW in my life and never likely to us Voluntary Sector Psychologists don't get paid enough for a start. I enjoyed this poem immensly having been The dumped one twice I could emphasise with the anger. Its good, Itsd the blues that are the worst part the anger helps dispell them. Keep your chin up There are still a few prince charmings left We just look like frogs and never get a look in! Mark x |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 8 of 15 in Discussion |
Dear VJ, I thought this was brilliant. The irregular rhyme and the stanza structure are very effective. My favourite bit is I've done what I've been told is the cure to being dumped jumped off the edge You have managed to get the physical action into the poem here with the way you have written the double enjambement around the word `jumped', just as the word `snip' gives you the sound of the action as well as the meaning, you have got the action itself as well s its meaning into this bit. I thought at first that this was all imaginary but I see from your replies that it is all too real - BASTARD. I would never have trusted a BMW driver in British Racing Green with leather upholstery - they are all ponces! I think you need to keep a lookout for the driver of a battered silver Volvo with only one mirror and pigeon droppings on the roof - he is probably a sensitive poet with a loving soul who `having sworn truth, ever will be true.' I think you should get out your snippers and do the deed, at the very least cut off the valves of his tyres! love David
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 9/15/2004 10:02 AM |
There's a lot more 'spunk' in this poem, Valerie, than in previous ones in this genre, lol, like Emma...I think you are back in the land of the living and as David says...it's time to take up car (driver) spotting, lol. I can only empathise with the emotions you and Emma share here in this thread, but still remember the cads of yesteryear...and yes, Davids advice ain't half bad!!! lol Just don't see you 'angry' Valerie, perhaps other emotions, but not actual 'blazing anger'. Zydha |
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Come here and let me kiss you SMmmmmmmmack......See....it's not true...all I ask anyway is for a man to be nice, sensitive, serious, funny, faithful, honest, make the best of himself that he possibly can - which, believe you me, makes a man attractive no matter how handsome or not he is ...oh yes, women love to see a man who has obviously made an effort and is confident, aaaaaaaah... Thanks Mark; Valerie X |
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Hi David and welcome to the board ! I did have second thoughts the day I saw his car......I am not a fancy man woman...but he convinced me slowly but surely that this was not 'him'... Of course relationships come to an end every day, I know that, but what hurt me most is the fact that he knew my situation and what I could do and could not do right from the very beginning of our relationship and he let it go on for years, making me believe we were going somewhere, before finally running away...about 3 months ago now...and although he is very unhappy without me, apparently (I did go back when it happened the first time about 6 months ago) I now feel I am strong enough not to risk relenting if he does come back, hence this poem..................Phew!!! Got that!!! Thanks for your kind support David....you know I cant even write the B word never mind say it lol...... Valerie X |
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lol Spunky me Zy? ......and you are so right....I am not very demonstrative when it comes to anger... I process any anger I do have quickly and effectively...I have a way of kind of meditating it out of me and looking at life's important things, rather than looking inside myself..I had years of experience of having to deal with pent up frustration as a child Zy....for lots of reasons and I learnt to deal with it, myself.....my anger is mine if you know what I mean. It's all too easy to get unhappy about something and then get angry with all and sundry around you...there are many more important things in life than what I am feeling...gosh I am going on a bit tonight aren't I...lol And I see again loads of poems for me to catch up on.. Thanks for commenting Zy Valerie X |
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Dear Valerie-Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear that you were deceived for years, no wonder it has taken 3 months to get this stage. Is therevan equation do you thinkhat relates the number of years to the number of months to get over a bad relationship. Perhaps we should not neccesarily think of relationships that terminated as being bad. I hope all this did not affect William as well. I am not very clear exactly what kind of relationship this was though clearly it was serious and important to you and you seem to be saying that there was grief on both sides. I do hope you recover fully and that you eventually get to be proprly appreciated. Love David | | |
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My you were up late David! And I see you remember those good old days on the beeb, Valerie-Jennifer indeed......much nicer. Anyway, things are just fine now thanks. It isnt just a case of if being 3 months old as it had been hanging in the air for longer than that so I am really over it now and no he wasnt living with us (would never do that until I was completely sure) so not all is lost. Not sure I would want to have another go at this relationship thing though.....I've lost faith...........thanks for your kind words as always. Valerie X |
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Wonderful poem VJ...and such a marvelous thread it has sparked off !...but your last comment makes me sad......hope dies to last...keep the faith Ma'am. : )lb X |
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