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New Poetry Pge 9 : Allow me just this.
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejimmyjoyce1  (Original Message)Sent: 12/19/2008 4:59 PM
Allow me just this.    an oldie!
Young at sixteen
socialistic, altruistic, even religious wrapped
in a damp shroud of hormones
cocooned in misplaced pity
to what I thought was the greater good.
Now centuries later I know better,
seen much, done much and can accept
myself,Jimmy, and in that
I can celebrate my life
even rejoice in knowing perhaps that
there isn't much to ultimately know
or understand. I love and feel moved
by predicaments of sentient beings.
I somehow know, but you may disagree
that nothing has ever lived or died or
nothing has ever lived or died,
nor nothing spoken or denied
in all time and history.
As conscious entities we are one,
indivisible but maybe we don't
quite know this yet.

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejennypollSent: 12/19/2008 5:46 PM
Sounds as if you have had the chance to revisit something from your teenage years, and try again, JJ ....

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePoetess-three1Sent: 12/19/2008 9:56 PM
I haven't grown at all since I was 16. I'm still a child, you know!

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameZydhaSent: 12/20/2008 12:21 AM
Hy, Ken, what a delight to find you in at last and again on the board.....hope you are well.
Still no time for reading much and won't have until after hols and sites are in place etc., but will do soon and am looking forward to then.
This is a reflective write, and I like these lines,
nothing has ever lived or died or
nothing has ever lived or died,
but, yes, I kinda disagree , for there are those who are not physically dead and yet do not live their lives in the broader sense, so it is possible that someone can live and die without actually dying to experience the feeling of death within. mmnnn.....and although all of the same species, one has to take into account the extreme variables of homo~sapiens which gives us all our individuality in both physicalities and I.D. (The 'salt and pepper' of the melting pot) 
A bit of a convaluting response, lol, but a thought provoker of a write, Zy

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekayano8Sent: 12/20/2008 10:56 AM
I somehow know, but you may disagree
that nothing has ever lived or died or
nothing has ever lived or died,
nor nothing spoken or denied
in all time and history.
Well heloooooo you!!  Great to read you again JJ 
Above lines are the crux of your write for me...mind you if you met some of the living-dead I meet each day would put a different slant on it!

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