Is there a difference between "difficult" and ODD?
All of these behaviours were to be found in or around my adoptive son
I can't tell what went on before he was born but after 2 weeks he was with us - two parents who wanted him very much
I did all those courses - Parent Effectiveness Training, Systematic Training for Effective Parenting and Tough Love
Nothing work
As far as Behavioural Modification - I worked out what worked and what didn't and pulled anything that happened in this life to a bottom line of issues that read
"Where whatever you like to bed - just take your shoes off first"
"All the food available for the next 3 hours in on the table now - eat it or not - it's your choice"
"If you want to sit beside me to watch TV you need to have a shower or go some and watch TVsomewhere else"
What does ODD Stand for - msn is not being nice to me atm and I can't open the attachment