Hi Belrose
Isn't it wonderful all the things that people tell us about our children
You're not a bad mother - and
Here in Australia people can be charge with abuse if the smack their children and
The magistrates in the Children's Court can fine the parents for their child's bad behaviour
I see women battling with their kids in the shops and I just say - you're okay - it's tough - I'm not offended by what I see - something like that - to let the person know that although I'm staring I'm not judging or if I look away - I seem to be looking the other way
But I do see and I do understand
It's so tough
About medication - when he was around 4 the child psychiatrist prescribed something called pericysazine which is something like ritolin - it's an upper - some of these kids systems work in reverse
And I was only supposed to give him one when I couldn't take it any longer
I so crushed the tablet and put it in a spoonful of jam and gave both my kids a spoonful each
But my daughter just got jam
Around half and hour after he had the medication my son would suddenly wind down and behave like a normal child
I wish I had given him one of those tablets every day
I have to go now but I will come back soon