I like to put rocks in my garden. Not to make a rock garden but for a place to sit when I work in my beds. I like flat stones just big enought to sit on. They heat up nice and it just makes my hips a bit better when the rest of me is soaking up the fine sun and boy does it help the pain. My old man says he is going to buy me a heat rock like you can get for pets because of my love of a warm rock. But it really works and it looks nice too. If you place them right, you can use them to walk thru your beds without having to step on the plants.
Sometimes I see the robins standing on them in the morning when the grass is still damp and cold. They are becoming spy rocks too. Even my cats and the bunnies like them.
What a wonderful idea! It would be so much better to sit on a warm rock to garden rather than the cold damp lawn. Where do you find the rocks and how do you get them into your garden?
I get rocks from my yard that were left here from others who lived here before. I also get them from the old foundations left from where a house used to stand. I get them from the river when we fish. But if you live in the city, go to a landscaping place and you can buy all kinds from cheap stuff to fancy stuff. Me I like to keep it simple.
If you live near any rural farms, they often have large piles of rocks that they are glad to give away. They have to move them out of the fields so they just pile up.
And as far as trying to move rocks, use teenage boys because they are strong and will often work cheap. Lunch at Mcdonalds and a few bucks goes a long way.