How's that? A pseudonym but it works. I am currently bunking with a good friend of mine who has chronic pain, and takes the appropriate pain meds, from a doc that doesn't have his head up his hindparts.
Her sister is another matter, always at hand to spit whatever nasty zinger out about "pills!" she can. Sometimes I can control my mouth; sometimes not. I know -- from experience -- that her dosage is only average. It works; good that it works as we all know that the prospect of 24/7 pain as the alternative ain't one of those things we have to grin and bear -- not in 2008.
I am looking, scouring state job banks for both OR and CA. I am (constantly, it seems, like a frickin hobby..) taking the LSAT Dec. 6. Hey, some people do video games; I take the LSAT -- over and over.
Cyndy: Both #2 son (the one with the family) and my daughter, Angela, are in CA. Rich is in Alaska, still for 18 years, and Matt's the Army dude in Georgia.
Matt's coming back for "exodus" (why they call it that I do not know) in Dec and I'm traveling down there to see those who are there.
I still (no job) have no medical ins. Knock wood and cross my fingers, the worst thing has been paying a doc to get my blood pressure meds. There's a doc across the street here who prob will see me for under $100 when I have to renew the stuff. Other'n that, the dentist and the optometrist never see me; I have a very complete little dental kit; it makes my friend laugh watching me be my own dentist (hell, *she's* got falsies! I dunno what she thinks is so amusing.... hmph).
Overcast (wow a news flash!) here in Oregon today. The place is loaded with, well, lumber men... (hooboy) and I must say, they certainly must eat their Wheaties. Very distracting, doncha know.
On the pain front: my spine and hands are here. Tolerable, most days. I have this trick thumb, tho: it sticks. In one position.
More later -- be well, everyone, and I'd love catch-up messages! My brain's lost track of who does what, etc.