How to Add Pictures to Your Posts.
This is the simplest way to add a picture, or gif (graphic image file) to a message.
(Cutting and pasting from non MSN sites is against MSN rules and is bandwidth theft. Any pics discovered that are not from a MSN album could get the site shut down, so please don't do it.) Follow these simple instructions and have fun!
First, open a message box.
Along the top of the box is a border with differant symbols. Click on the one that looks like a yellow postcard with a mountain and a stamp on it.
A box will come up, on the left side of the box you will see a list of any msn sites you belong to, you will see this site listed among
Click on one of them, it does not need to be the site you are posting in, they all work for any msn message board you are a member of.
All the pics that have been posted in that sites photo albums will come up on your screen. If you click on Dealing With Chronic pain, all the pictures that have been posted in the albums in this site will show.
Choose a gif or photo you like and click on it, then click on "", which is at the top of that box, and you gif will be in your message box.
Good Luck and have fun!